Guidelines for Submitting a Video
Guidelines for Submitting a Video
Updated 2 years ago by Hypocaust

Submitting a video? In order for us to be able to properly verify your run, your video submission should align with the following guidelines:

What we like to see. •Your video should show the game window in full, with minimal cropping and nothing blocking the central field of view. •Make sure that nothing is obscuring important game information. (Lives, Doritos, Health, Ammo, Weapon Wheel, Load/Save Information, FPS Counter) •Tags and split overlays are fine as long as they stick to the above guidelines. •Frames and borders are also fine so long as they don't obscure or crop the game window. •If you're using a Twitch VOD, make sure you have highlighted the video for posterity. •If you are recording a television running old hardware, the image must be clear enough to be able to make out the game and all the important game information listed above.

What we like to hear. •Game audio must be audible throughout the run, although ingame music can be turned off. •The audio must be in sync with the video footage. •A run cannot be verified that has copyrighted music other than ingame music playing over the video.

If you need to know anything else, hit us up on our Discord channel via the link on the left. [Turok Mod Team]