All Pizzas Category
6 years ago

Start: Time begins when you gain character control You have to collect all 24 pizzas Timer ends: Timing ends on the last hit of the guillotine of the impossible throll pizza of Area 4: Level 17. Trying to reach that pizza, the closest as possible.

Area 1: Fifth Avenue Areal 1: Level 1: 1/4 pizza Area 1: Level 3: 1/4 pizza + full pizza Area 1: Level 5: 1/4 pizza Total of pizzas: 4 pizzas.

Area 2: Hudson River Area 2: Level 1: 1/2 pizza + full pizza Total of pizzas: 2 pizzas

Area 3: Wall Street Area 3: Level 1: Full Pizza Area 3: Level 2: Full Pizza + 1/4 pizza Area 3: Level 3: Full Pizza Area 3: Level 4: 1/2 pizza + full pizza Area 3: Level 5: 1/2 pizza Area 3: Level 6: 1/2 pizza + full pizza Total of pizzas: 9

Area 4: JFK International Airport (and final area) Area 4: Level 1: Full pizza + 1/2 pizza Area 4: Level 7: 1/2 pizza Area 4: Level 11: Full pizza Area 4: Level 12:Full pizza Area 4: Level: 15: Full pizza Area 4: Level 16: Full pizza + half pizza Area 4: Level 17: 1/4 pizza Total of pizzas: 9

Total of pizzas of the run: 24. Run ends tryng to get the impossible pizza, the closest as possible, die in that part of the guillotine.

Well this is my idea for a possible 3rd category, you won't have the Technodrome location issue and might be fun, you will see some unseen levels, and have some challenge in some of that areas, believe me. I will be practicing this idea, and when I get some consistent i would try to record the video to post it in this topic, and if you agree, maybe it could be the third category, hope you like my idea.

Thanks all for your support must apreciete it.

LordMike111686 and roni77nf like this

Update of this category and new set of rules:

So I have tested this category and run, and I take it seriously, and it was good, I will put my run in this days, so there is going to be a change in the rules.

The first change is that, you no longer need to die in the guillotine of Area 4. And the second is that you need to go for the remainning 8 pizzas of Area 5 and 6.

So here is the final set of rules of this category:


Start: Time begins when you gain character control You have to collect all 32 pizzas Timer ends: Timing ends on the last hit of Shredder.

Area 1: Fifth Avenue Areal 1: Level 1: 1/4 pizza Area 1: Level 3: 1/4 pizza + full pizza Area 1: Level 5: 1/4 pizza Total of pizzas: 4 pizzas.

Area 2: Hudson River Area 2: Level 1: 1/2 pizza + full pizza Total of pizzas: 2 pizzas

Area 3: Wall Street Area 3: Level 1: Full Pizza Area 3: Level 2: Full Pizza + 1/4 pizza Area 3: Level 3: Full Pizza Area 3: Level 4: 1/2 pizza + full pizza Area 3: Level 5: 1/2 pizza Area 3: Level 6: 1/2 pizza + full pizza Total of pizzas: 9

Area 4: JFK International Airport Area 4: Level 1: Full pizza + 1/2 pizza Area 4: Level 7: 1/2 pizza Area 4: Level 11: Full pizza Area 4: Level 12:Full pizza Area 4: Level: 15: Full pizza Area 4: Level 16: Full pizza + half pizza Area 4: Level 17: 1/4 pizza Total of pizzas: 9

Area 5: The South Bronx Area 5: Level 1: Full Pizza Area 5: Level 2: 1/4 Pizza + Full Pizza + Half Pizza Area 5: Cave 1: Half Pizza Total of pizzas: 5

Area 6: Technodrome Area 6: Part 1: Full Pizza Area 6: Part 2: Half Pizza + Full Pizza Total of pizzas 3

Total of pizzas of the run: 32. Run ends when you beat Shredder after you have collected the complete collection of 32 pizzas.

Well this is the final set of rules and my final idea for a 3rd category, I take it seriously, It is a fun category, some unseen levels that you forgot that exist in the game, good difficulty and challenge especially in areas 5 and 6, and I have really good routed this category, I already record it, I will post it in this topic as soon as I can my run.

I would hope this can be the official 3rd category of this awesome cartridge, let's show some love to this great game. And thanks all for your support as always, really apreciete it.


Here it is the one and only ALL PIZZAS CATEGORY. Enjoy it please. With the last rules my PB was of 24:59, but with new rules I think 40 minutes aprox. Please watch the complete run, you will enjoy it.