Flash player . exe advantages and disavantages
Flash player . exe advantages and disavantages
Updated 2 years ago by minidanger13

if you play on a browser website or without the use of a flash player .exe then look at pianodudes quides as he focuses on the question how to beat them This is the glitches, bullshit that you can find when you are playing on flash player.exe version. How to get it?: in the resorces tap then is a link to get adobe flash player .exe. Then you get the swf file which is in any browser that contains the impossible quiz (Right click and press inspect). then put the swf into the flash plyer .exe and BOOM you can play. the advantages: What i have known by using this then the browser website is that you can freely pick your size that you can play. Instead of being forced to play on the browers size you can now find your optimum size that you find the best. Theres is OFFLINE practice ( very dramtic) but if you cant acces your wifi or your internet is not good, you can still play without the need to open up google chrome. But i would say that if you want to submit a run you will need internet acces of course but you can pratice anytime. The disavantages (there is a lot unfortnuenly): right clicking: Right clicking is now bad and horrible. usualyy in the browser version when you right click you get go over a question and only need ONE click to do so. Now theres TWO clicks. This doesnt sound like a big deal but when you are going super fast on the questions ie you know the memberising positions very well it can screw you. It also make q56 bad considering that because right clicking is 2 clicks is very slow to do 2 clicks on the blue and 2 clicks on the yellow. So i have to guess where the last one is otherwise i waste a lot of time. Also right clicking doesnt save your mouse input where you clicked ( IDK where it is) so that means in the space question i cant right click my mouse so i can get the skip and then IMMEDIATELY press the star instead i have to wait until i can the skip and go to the star. This is also bad for 102 as like the space question i cant get the first circle. Instead i have to wait and TIME when the circle is there and if i miss...... Well that a WR run GONE. Harm: This doesnt concern me but can concern some people. When you get the adobe flash player . exe it says that it can be harmful to your computer. THis depends if you have Mcafee as your free extension sercuity web adviser. If you dont then your computer wont let you play without notifying you that it CAN be harmful. size (disavantage version) Now theres is many advantages about the pink your own sixe but i has 2 major flaws: It wont save your size so everytime you want to speedrun you have to put in your size over and over agian. Q5 Now i can't really describe this but i give a link https://discord.com/channels/757655492259741878/757656926892064877/803701446997573637 (Its the one that says Flash player) Credit goes to Zennan. It reminds you that it hates you. Music? Now the adobe flash player is not a lite version so you are going to hear: What is the light? feat. The Colorado Symphony & André de Ridder and the flaming lips (the epic 10 song) If this bothers you then there is a lite version but i will keep the song as it can be useful for your paces by specfic notes you can pick (It sounds stupid but it workds pretty well) That is it for the adobe flash plyer . exe version of the impossible quiz. Just a reminder that i dont hate this version as much you think as this version was the vesrion that i got the world record on so i am very grateful for that Thanks for reading Minidanger P.s if there is spelling errors then im sorry

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How to add the Impossible Quiz Autosplitter to your livesplit

If you have any problem with your livesplit in this game which it can be:

Not splitting fast enough when reaching a specific Question

Starting the run much earlier

Then I think it will be much easier if you have the game autosplitter. Its not needed but it is very helpful.

  1. To set it up go to
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