hard mode lvl 1 faqs
Q.- ¿Can i use a save data for other finish PE 3 game? A.- You can use the save data for the USA version, can find in gamefaqs, the save is 100%.
Q.- ¿Why can´t activate the cheats in the chapter 00? A.- The cheates activate when start the first chapter. When activated the cheat, the lvl go 1, so dont worry if lvl up in the chapter 00.
Q.-¿Why using this save data? A.- because have all the cheats opened, and the important is the lvl 1 to start this run
Q.- ¿Can i use any armor? A.- for not take advantage, only its use the withe coat
I tested the run in this mode, well, its like play Dark Souls, with guns, this gona funny :D
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