Current Patch Category
7 years ago

So the latest patch (1.005) broke pretty much everything about the route. Things I've managed to test so far include: Broken AI is fixed, currently no way to turn it off, which breaks a few skips. Because of this, we now have to do the last boss fight properly. Some buildings used for skips now no longer have collision. Witch skip is harder now as they've moved the checkpoint to inside the cannon room as opposed to just outside, can still skip it, but it's trickier now. Basement 2nd half skip is now fixed, kill plain added to bottom of graveyard so can no longer jump through, also can't pass girl through the fence like before. Simon says puzzle skip also appears to be fixed. Pretty much everything else is still possible, they're just a little harder now. Maze skips are still possible, but bits of it are trickier as we can't turn off the AI any more.

South Yorkshire, England

This seems like a good idea. Probably worth adding a version variable to Any% too. On a side note, if you still want 1.004 and bought the game through Humble, the latest version on there is 1.004.


Would you be able to make a backup of those files? I'd really appreciate it. I bought it through steam so I'm SOL, and I'd rather not buy it again, but it won't be the end of the world if I have to. Someone on reddit showed me a way to download old versions of steam games, not had a chance to try that yet though. Personally I'd say a separate category would probably be better, seeing as the runs will be completely different and non comparable, but then again, with only two runners, probably won't make much of a difference

Scarlet likes this
South Yorkshire, England

I'm planning to get into this over summer lol so that's three! Wanted to run it after playing the Kickstarter alpha, and especially so when the game came out and I realised the maze was disgustingly skippable. Anyway yeah it's not a problem. I make backups of my Humble games anyway.


So I managed to download an old version using the SteamDB method. Gonna do some tests and find which version is fastest. Let me know when you start doing runs, I'll help you out where I can, I've put far too much time into running this game so I can give you a good idea on how the tricks work. It'll probably only take you an hour or so to learn the route, and none of the tricks are too difficult (the corner jump around 3 minutes in is probably one of the trickiest)

South Yorkshire, England

Will do! It'll probably be a few weeks yet but I'll definitely get around to it at some point.

On a random note, did you used to study at UCLan? I found your Twitter and you mentioned Preston lol, small world if so!


I did Games development there, are you at UClan? Small world indeed :)

South Yorkshire, England

LOL even smaller world, I'm doing Games Dev there now!


Haha, nice! what year you in? I've still got my old assignments if you're struggling

South Yorkshire, England

Just finished my second year! And there's no need for that lol, I should be fine. I appreciate the offer though :')


Cool! Are Gareth and Laurent still teaching there? Those guys were great, had some very... interesting... lectures.

Scarlet likes this
South Yorkshire, England

YES! Gareth is such an adorable person. And Laurent... Tanks vs Wizards.

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Posted 7 years ago
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