Updated Any% NG+ Speedrun Guide for All Consoles (Vol. 2)
Updated Any% NG+ Speedrun Guide for All Consoles (Vol. 2)
Updated 1 month ago by StarFalco64

Volume 2

Due to speedrun.com implementing a character limit on guides, this guide had to be split into two parts. This is Volume 2.

For the first part, see here: https://www.speedrun.com/tfu6g/guides/1xbcd


Kashyyyk is, at this point, one of the levels with the most skips in it, and thus is now one of the hardest levels in the game as well. It is now entirely possible to run to the end of the level from the beginning with nothing significant actually stopping you. When the level begins, dash forward to the first cutscene trigger to begin getting ready for the first trick of the level.

AT-ST 1 + Push Barrier 1 Skip

After the cutscene trigger the first AT-ST mini-boss fight in the level will be triggered. For the level to progress normally, the game wants you to defeat the AT-ST, which is the trigger that activates the first Push Barrier in the very next area, this Push Barrier is not active to be destroyed until the AT-ST is defeated. Fortunately, we have discovered a way to get over this Push Barrier without having to open it, which consequently also makes it possible to skip the AT-ST fight, seeing as you are skipping the requirement-check.

Run past the AT-ST taking care not to be hit by its missile attack, into the next area, and all the way up to Push Barrier 1. Ignore all enemies. There is a large rock sticking out to the right of the Push Barrier that Starkiller can stand on, jump up onto this rock. This is where all methods of performing this skip begin.

There are different methods of getting over Push Barrier 1 and performing this skip, and some are better than others for different platforms. There are numerous different combinations of aerial attacks, dash-attacks, double jumps, and regular dashes that will help you climb this barrier. This will take practice. Look below for multiple video guides showcasing some of the many different methods.

For PS2, PSP, and Switch, look at these methods:

Video of Pricey_but_Icy's original strat:

Video of Novice9531's strat:

These methods are easier for PS2, PSP, and Switch because of the controls layout. It is both easier to perform aerial attacks and accurate dash-attacks with these controllers, and thus easier to perform these methods. The dash-attack in particular is very useful for getting over. After you are as high as the dash-attack will get you, double jump and dash to securely get over the Barrier.

For Wii, look at this method, developed by Avigater:

This method is slightly easier on Wii because it does not rely on the (difficult to perform on Wii) dash-attack and instead uses a Force Push to keep Starkiller suspended so he can perform another double jump.

Push Barrier 2

This Push Barrier is also benefitted by performing the AT-ST 1 skip. This is because the trigger to spawn the group of enemies by Push Barrier 2 is also skipped by performing the AT-ST 1 Skip.

After getting over Push Barrier 1 by performing the skip, continue to run forward and do NOT run backwards towards the save-checkpoint or Push Barrier 1; if you run further back into the trigger the enemies will load, whereas otherwise you will have easily gotten past their loading trigger and Push Barrier 2 becomes completely unguarded and free to open.

After getting through this door, it is time for the next major skip of the level.

Imperial Troops + Push Barrier 3 Skip

It is possible to skip both this enemy mob and the Push Barrier that serves as the exit to the Imperial Hangar area. This is done by getting over the far end of the right-side wall when you enter the area and the enemy mob is triggered. The wall actually goes farther up than it appears to visually, so you we have to get creative to get past it. Once again, there are several different ways of performing this skip. All of the methods of performing this skip begin with standing on top of the palm tree to the right of the Push Barrier.

After you're standing on the tree, this is where the methods diverge slightly. It is possible to get Starkiller across by double jumping against the invisible wall and performing aerial attacks into a ground slam (however you should still be stuck suspended in the air after slamming), then clipping through the other side by maneuvering around the wall. It is also possible, and in fact faster if you manage to time it perfectly, to get past by using the Sniper (laser-light) Stormtrooper's shot to propel you past the invisible wall once you are mid-air.

Look below for multiple video guides showcasing some of the many different methods. This will also take practice.

The absolute fastest and most ideal method is showcased here and utilizes the Stormtrooper's sniper shot, it is performed immediately upon entering the room. This was performed on Wii but is possible on all consoles:

If you happen to fail this trick the first time by not getting shot over, you can repeat by jumping back up onto the tree and timing your jump with the Stormtrooper's shot again.

There is also this method created by Novice9531 (this method also sometimes causes a visual glitch where Starkiller visually deloads for the remainder of the level):

This video by Novice9531 showcases both Kashyyyk skips performed very quickly:

After getting over this Push Barrier and skipping the Imperial Troops enemy mob, proceed forward to the next AT-ST.

AT-ST 2 Skip

This mini-boss is entirely skippable with no extra effort, thankfully. You can simply run past this AT-ST, it is an entirely optional mini-boss. Take care not to be hit my its missile attack.

After running past this AT-ST, proceed to the end of the level for the Ozzik Sturn fight.

Ozzik Sturn

Use the Lightning Saber Throw technique to quickly melt Ozzik Sturn's health. After a couple of hits, he will begin his second phase, in which he shields himself with 4 shield generators around the room. After destroying a shield generator, Ozzik Sturn will be vulnerable for a brief period before activating another one. The shield generators are not vulnerable until they are defending Ozzik Sturn. The best way to destroy his shield generators is by using a brief lightning attack to break all 4 supports simultaneously, then using Detonate or Force Push to break off the main machine. If using the Amplified Lightsaber Damage Increase lightsaber crystal, which you should be for NG+, it is possible to defeat Ozzik Sturn before destroying all 4 of his shield generators by damaging him heavily during all of his vulnerable points.

The only attack of Ozzik Sturns that is worrisome is his blue missile that creates a shockwave on the ground. This missile can send Starkiller flying a great distance and can slow you down a lot, try to attack Ozzik Sturn from behind or the side to avoid this attack.

When Ozzik Sturn's health is fully depleted, the level will end.


When the level starts, dash forward to the first cutscene trigger to trigger the first enemy mob.

Imperial Troops

You do not have to defeat every stormtrooper to empty this enemy mobs health bar, and when the health bar is depleted the remaining hostiles while automatically die as well. This enemy mob is required to activate Push Barrier 1 directly ahead of you. Since you do not have to defeat every stormtrooper, the best strategy is to aim for the weakest stormtroopers. The enemies starting position is sort of divided into a front-half group and a back-half group.

When the fight triggers, run/dash forward a bit and use Lightning while running to kill the weakest stormtroopers in the front-half group. Then run a bit more forward towards the back-half group and use Lightning to defeat the weakest troopers in that group. It should not take long for this enemy group to be defeated.

Push Barrier 1

After the Imperial Troops, this Push Barrier directly in front of you will become active and there are no hostiles around to prevent you from opening it, you can open this one freely.

Push Barrier 2

After getting through Push Barrier 1 jump down and head towards the next objective, which is the Imperial Base on Felucia. To get into the Imperial Base to proceed with the objectives, you will have to open Push Barrier 2.

It honestly feels silly at this point to type this out, but we really don't have a perfect idea of how to handle this one. Here are the facts, take all of this into consideration when trying to get through this door:

This area is swarming with Felucian Warriors, who will quickly catch up to you and attack you to prevent you from opening the door. There are also always a handful of Felucians standing directly next to the door when you walk up, meaning you pretty much always have to do something about them at the very least before attempting to charge your force push. The Felucian Warriors behavior is also very random, sometimes they catch up to you extremely quickly, and sometimes they don't and you might have enough time to break through.

Personally, I would suggest using Lightning on the Felucian Warriors standing directly next to the Push Barrier as you run up to it, and as soon as they are dead, stand directly up against the Push Barrier, turn around, and perform an Aerial Assault, aiming it as best you can towards the large open area you just exited from. Ideally, this will knock back the closest Felucian Warriors and you can then quickly charge your push and break the door down. The behavior of both the Felucian Warriors and Aerial Assault is tricky however, and sometimes you may miss one. You may have to throw out more Aerial Assaults to get all of them away as best you can.

This is the best advice we can offer for this one, do your best to get through fast. Unfortunately, this is one of the most difficult Push Barriers in the game and it is certainly not consistent.

Imperial Hangar Checkpoint

After getting through Push Barrier 2 and entering the Imperial Base, this short segment will start. To trigger the next mini-boss fight that will progress the levels objectives, the Bull Rancor, you first have to reach the Imperial Hangar at the far side of the base. You can simply run past all of the enemies, and do your best to cut as many corners out of the winding path towards the base as you can by double jumping and dashing over the bunkers.

When you reach the checkpoint at the Hangar, skip the cutscene and then you must run back through the base the way you came. On the way back, you can jump over the tall bunker near the entrance to skip a lot of the path and end up back near the entrance.

Dash into the large open-area, previously in Felucia 1 the Double Rancor arena, to trigger the Bull Rancor mini-boss fight.

Bull Rancor

Bull Rancor is actually quite easily defeated by using the Saber Throw, note that to do it fastest it is actually best to NOT use the Lightning Saber Throw strat for this. This strat makes use of manipulating the fact that the enemy will not move until you have depleted your Force-meter, and the Saber Throw seems to keep Bull Rancor in something of a stun-lock. If you are using the Amplified Lightsaber Damage Increase power crystal, which you should be for NG+, then it is possible to defeat Bull Rancor in just one full Force-meter with just the Saber Throw.

Perform the QTE finisher on Bull Rancor as soon as it is available to defeat him and move on.

Video of this strat seen here:

Push Barrier 3

The game will put you directly in front of this Push Barrier, and there will be no enemies near you to hinder you. Simply get through this one.

Push Barrier 4

The next Push Barrier that serves as the entrance to Maris Brood's arena is just up ahead, and in fact you took this exact same path on the way to Shaak Ti in Felucia 1. This time, however, there will be a small group of Felucians that you should be passing right around the time you pass the save checkpoint and turn the corner. Dash past them as efficiently as you can, and get as much distance from them as you can, then immediately break through this door when you reach it and it should not cause you problems. There should be enough time for you to get enough distance from the Felucians you passed to avoid them completely.

Maris Brood (Phase 1 & 2)

Maris Brood is easily damaged with Aerial Assault, but unfortunately she has a large tendency towards blocking and flipping, both of which she will be invulnerable during. She also will sometimes throw her Sabers at you, which can be tough to avoid but she is vulnerable when she does not have her Sabers, so if you do avoid them you can damage her during this time. She will also be vulnerable when she is performing her mind trick attack; the mind-trick attack changes the configuration of your analog stick, but it does not fully invert the controls, in fact it seems to shift them 90 degrees to the left, meaning you would need to push hard right to move forward (this is very weird, but thats how it works). If Maris is knocked against a wall she is easily hit with a second Aerial Assault while she is getting up. If you get locked in a Force-lock with Maris, it is actually not advised to win, as the animation for Maris winning is significantly shorter than the animation for Starkiller winning, and it does not do that much damage to her.

Her first phase is pretty easy as long as she doesn't block much, you can progress to the next phase after about 3 Aerial Assault attacks.

In her second phase, Felucian Warriors will spawn in to help her, and just like when fighting Shaak Ti these guys are extremely annoying. Simply do your best to avoid them while focusing your Aerial Assaults on Maris. After her health is about half depleted (about 3 more Aerial Assaults), the Rancor fight will trigger.


Use the Lightning Saber Throw technique to quickly defeat the Rancor, it is just as weak as the Rancors you fought in Felucia 1. This Rancor is easy to manipulate into not moving at all, making the fight very simple. What to do to cause this can be seen in the video below. Do not perform the QTE finisher on the Rancor.

Maris Brood (Phase 3)

When Maris comes back her health will be fully regenerated, but the Felucian Warriors will be gone and it will just be you and her. Once again focus your Aerial Assaults on her and do your best to hit her when she is vulnerable and not when she is invulnerable, thus wasting time and force. Use the same advice given from her previous phases.

When her health is depleted, perform the QTE finisher on her to end the level.


Just like Raxus Prime 1, Raxus Prime 2 is another fairly long and difficult level in the run. Depending on load times of your platform, it is possible to beat this level in about 4:45-5:30 from the end of Felucia 2. That being said, there are a lot of moving parts in this mission and requires a lot of explanation.

When the level begins, dash forward to the first elevator and to Push Barrier 1.

Push Barrier 1

There is nothing preventing you from opening this Push Barrier, it is free to open.

After getting through, dash past the group of imperials on the other side towards the big elevator into the Imperial Base. A good way to get past the Shock Troopers guarding the elevator is to double jump over them and dash into the elevator, as long as you dash over the elevator it will trigger and you can go up to the next area.

Imperial Troops + Push Barriers 2 & 3

This mob and Push Barriers 2 and 3 are intertwined with each other. This section is 4 rooms separated by doors.

Upon entering the first room and triggering the Imperial Troops mob immediately use Lightning to clear the room of all enemies, most of them are very weak. The door to the next room is Push Barrier 2, if you cleared the enemies you will have no trouble opening it.

As you enter the second room use Lightning to clear the room once again. Again, most of these enemies are very weak and will be defeated by Lightning quickly. The door to the third room is not a Push Barrier and is instead just an open door, proceed to the next room.

The third room has three Shock Troopers in it and a handful of weak troopers. After opening the door, perform Aerial Assaults to quickly defeat all of the enemies in this room. The Aerial Assaults are particularly helpful in defeating the Shock Troopers but will also kill the weak troopers while you're working on it. The door to the next room is Push Barrier 3, if you cleared the room you should have no trouble getting through.

The final room has mostly weak troopers in it once again, and the door to exit this section will be unlocked and free to go through once the enemy mob is defeated. Use Lightning upon entering the room to defeat the last couple troopers you will need to kill to unlock the door and proceed to the AT-ST fight.


Interestingly, this is the strongest AT-ST in the game. That being said, he is easily defeated with the Lightning Saber Throw technique. It is best to get behind this AT-ST before you start attacking as if you stand in front of it he is more likely to hit you with his missile attack which is a time loss. Defeat the AT-ST and proceed. Do not perform the QTE finisher on it.

Note that on your way to the elevator to go to the next section, you should not worry about recharging your Force, as your Force will have time to recharge enough while you are waiting on the elevator, so simply dash as quick as you can to the elevator after defeating the AT-ST.

After the elevator door opens begins the section runners have dubbed "The Gauntlet."

"The Gauntlet" (Forcefield Generators 1, 2, 3, & 4 + Push Barriers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9)

The Gauntlet is a series of Forcefield Generators and Push Barriers that block your path from the time you get out of the elevator after defeating the AT-ST to the time you reach the Shadow Guard at the end.

This next section of the run has been called "The Gauntlet" by runners because it is a long stretch during Raxus Prime 2 where, if you perform it well, you can get all the way to the end of the level without really being stopped or being halted from opening any Push Barriers. However, you must move quickly, as if you slow down for even a second it gives the stormtroopers all around a chance to catch up to you and prevent you from moving forward, causing you to have to defeat them before being able to continue.

The Gauntlet begins when you exit the elevator after defeating the AT-ST. Immediately dash to the first set of Forcefield Generators to your left upon exiting.

At the end of this section you will find a guide video showcasing a successful run-through of the Gauntlet, please watch this video to accompany the descriptions below.

Forcefield Generators 1

Forcefield Generators are easily broken by using the Maelstrom ability, the best place to stand is directly up against and in the center of the shield itself. While standing here, perform a Maelstrom, and the Forcefield Generators will break, release Maelstrom and they will be flung away from you, explode, and the shield will drop. Immediately dash through. The first three sets of Forcefield Generators all behave pretty much the same.

Push Barriers 4 & 5

After breaking through the first set of Forcefield Generators proceed down the hallway and into the next room, upon entering this room double jump and dash to the ramp that leads to the upper level, and use Lightning to kill the two stormtroopers standing at the top. Then, immediately charge your Force push to break through Push Barrier 4. If you were quick enough the stormtroopers you passed on the bottom floor will not have reached you yet.

In the small corridor immediately following Push Barrier 4, run forward and use Lightning as you enter to kill all of the stormtroopers in this room, if you hold Lightning and run at normal speed you will have time to kill them all in one Force-meter. After they are all dead, immediately charge your Force push to break through Push Barrier 5 and move on. Again, if you were fast enough the enemies will not have caught up to you yet.

If the troopers barricade that is directly in front of Push Barrier 5 is still standing when you reach the Barrier, you can jump over it to get behind it and add some additional shield in case troopers behind you catch up to you and begin to shoot.

After getting through proceed to the next set of Forcefield Generators.

Forcefield Generators 2

Perform the same Maelstrom strat to get through these quickly and proceed down the hallway, over the troopers and their barricades, to the next large room.

Push Barriers 6 & 7

Upon entering the room immediately turn right and double jump onto the catwalk to then double jump again up to the top floor. When you land, turn right and use Lightning to kill a stormtrooper that should be standing in that direction, and then go left down the path on the top floor to Push Barrier 6, using Lightning again to kill the other stormtrooper that should be standing in your path.

Charge your Force Push to break through Push Barrier 6 and run into the small corridor between Push Barriers 6 and 7, you will note two sniper (laser-light) stormtroopers and a commander, use Lightning as you approach to kill them both, and immediately charge your Force Push to break through Push Barrier 7. The enemies barricade typically does not survive their encounter with you, but if it does, jump over it and stand behind it to give yourself an additional shield from any troopers catching up behind you.

Dash through the doorway and jump down to the bottom floor to head to third set of Forcefield Generators.

Forcefield Generators 3

Perform the same Maelstrom strat to get through these quickly and proceed down the hallway, past the troopers and into the next large room.

Push Barriers 8 & 9

After exiting the hallway and entering the next large room, run forward and double jump up the right-most part of the wall opposite to you as you enter to get onto the top floor (check video component for specifics). You may need to perform a dash at the apex of your double jump to squeeze over the top. Run down this pathway on the top floor and use Lightning to kill all of the stormtroopers on this level as you run towards Push Barrier 8. Immediately charge your Force Push to break through.

In the next small corridor between Push Barrier 8 and 9, you will find 2-3 Shock Troopers (depending on loadings and your platform). Jump over them, turn around completely, and perform two Aerial Assault attacks to knock these Shock Troopers down, then immediately turn back around, dash all the way up against Push Barrier 9, charge your Force Push and break through. The intent of dashing all the way up against this Barrier is that it puts the maximum distance you can between yourself and the Shock Troopers.

It is also very easy for enemies from the bottom floor to catch up with you when you are trying to get through Push Barrier 9, if you see them approaching while you are performing the Aerial Assaults to knock down the Shock Troopers, perform more Aerial Assaults to clear it out as much as possible and as quickly as possible.

Forcefield Generators 4

After you've broken through the final Push Barrier, jump down and across the molten river to the final set of Forcefield Generators, the final challenge of the Gauntlet, and the only thing left preventing you from getting to the Shadow Guard boss.

This set of Forcefield Generators behaves a little differently from the others as it will require two Maelstrom attacks to break all four of the Forcefield Generators. The only particularly scary thing about this set of Generators that could potentially hinder you is that, if you are low on health, it is possible to die in this section as the enemies around surround you heavily and are also fairly strong, notably the commanders and Jetpack Troopers.

After you've destroyed the Forcefield Generators, proceed forward to the Shadow Guard boss fight. Congratulations, if you made it here without seriously getting stopped by the enemies, then you have survived the Gauntlet! All of this takes lots of practice. Please view the video below for a visual aide of this section.

Video guide for the entire "Gauntlet" section in one run-through:

Shadow Guard

The Shadow Guard boss fight is not particularly difficult to take down as he is easily damaged by Aerial Assault, but like other certain bosses in this game there is something of a rhythm to his weak-times. Begin the fight by using Aerial Assault and you will notice that he falls down. From here two different things can happen, if he gets flung hard enough he will land on his back, and if he only gets bumped he will land on his knees, it is entirely dependent on how accurate your Aerial Assault was.

If he falls on his back, keep performing Aerial Assaults until it stops doing damage to him, which will be at some point while he is either laying down/getting up. After he gets up he will perform a Ground Slam, he will be vulnerable again when his staff impacts the ground, you can time your Aerial Assault to hit him at this exact moment.

If he falls on his knees, he will et up quicker and remain vulnerable, but he is more likely to perform attacks other than the Ground Slam, such as Lightning, which is particularly slow.

Its generally best to try to keep him in the on-his-back/Ground Slam rhythm. He's not particularly hard, this just takes some getting used to.

After defeating Shadow Guard skip the ending cutscenes to end the level. Congratulations on surviving Raxus 2.


Cloud City was designed with the intent of being the longest level in the game, and for us it still is. However, we have found a good handful of strats that have shortened it by a lot from when we started.

When the level begins dash forward to the first cutscene trigger, remember that there are two cutscenes to skip in a row here in the beginning. After skipping the cutscenes, dash ahead to the next cutscene trigger where the ship crashes into the windows; the only enemies to be wary of on your way to this trigger are the Gran grenadiers, be careful of them for the duration of Cloud City as their grenades will knock you back which can be a substantial time loss.

The cutscene that triggers will introduce these axe-wielding mammoth-tusk enemies, these enemies are special to this level and are particularly strong. They have a very high amount of health and are extremely effective at knocking you back with their charge attack. After the introduction of these mammoth enemies, jump and dash over this enemy and double jump to your right up to the next floor and go through the door towards the elevator.

After exiting the elevator proceed towards the next one, right in front of the next elevator will be a mammoth enemy, use Lightning briefly to stun him so that you can jump and dash over him and get onto the elevator, as he is very prone to charging at you and knocking you back.

After exiting the second elevator proceed through the series of unlocked doors to the first enemy mob you must defeat.

Chop'aa's Thugs 1

Upon entering the exterior area where you fight this mob use Lightning to immediately defeat all of the weakest enemies, the Talz medic is a bit stronger than the others. There will not be enough enemies when you enter the room for you to empty the entire health bar, you will have to wait some time for the hovering dropship to bring more enemies down. As it is finishing its approach, use Lightning on it to damage the weak Twi'lek enemies that it is going to drop before they are actually visible.

You should note that it is possible for some of the mammoth enemies that you have skipped previously in the level to clip through the door that shut behind you when you entered the room and attack you, if they do the easiest way to defeat them is to throw them in the pit. They will not count towards the enemy health bar.

After defeating this mob skip the cutscene and proceed to the next mob by jumping and dashing past the new mammoth enemies that have appeared.

Chop'aa's Thugs 2

This mob is not much harder than the first but has a handful of mammoth enemies waiting for you that can be pesky. When you enter the room the door will shut behind you, you should proceed forward and use Lightning to kill all of the weak enemies and then do your best to throw all of the mammoth enemies out of the ring to kill them, this can be done either by grabbing them and throwing them or by aiming properly with the Detonate ability.

Once again the mammoths you skipped previously have a chance of getting through the door that shut behind you when you entered, and once again they will not count towards the enemy health bar. This is particularly challenging because if they get all mixed up with the other mammoth enemies that do count, you may not be able to tell which enemies will count towards the health bar and which ones will not.

Once again as well, there will not be enough enemies when you enter the room to completely deplete the enemy health bar, you will have to wait for the dropship again. This time it will drop the Gran grenadiers, but once again you should use Lightning to attack before they are visible just as it is finishing its approach.

Mandalorians Skip

After defeating the second group of Chop'aa's Thugs you get to perform what is probably the easiest skip in the game. This type of skip is called a Rogue Shadow Skip; the idea of it is that after reaching certain checkpoints in a level the game will save your level progress even if you exit to Rogue Shadow from the pause menu. If the level is designed appropriately, you can then potentially skip a certain amount of backtracking by exiting to Rogue Shadow, re-loading the level, and running to the next checkpoint. What makes this viable as a time-save is when the checkpoint is actually closer to the Rogue Shadow than you are when you exit the level, which does not occur often given how this games levels are mostly quite linear.

After defeating the second group of Chop'aa's Thugs you would normally have to proceed ahead, get to what resembles a Carbonite Chamber, and fight a group of 6 Mandalorians, then proceed back down to the next cutscene trigger and unlock the door to access the rest of Cloud City. However for some reason the trigger for the cutscene that allows you to access the rest of Cloud City is apparently not the Mandalorians fight, but it is the second group of Chop'aa's Thugs. So by exiting to Rogue Shadow after defeating the second group of Chop'aa's Thugs and re-loading the level, you will be able to run to the cutscene trigger and skip the Mandalorians fight.

What is interesting about this trick is that it is faster or slower depending on the platform you are playing on. This is because when you exit to Rogue Shadow and re-load Cloud City it adds two load screens, which will have different lengths depending on platform. On the slower end this skip saves about 45 seconds on Wii, and on the faster end about 1:15 on Switch.

As of this moment this is the only Rogue Shadow Skip in the game that has been found to actually be faster. Another Rogue Shadow Skip is possible in Felucia 2, by exiting to Rogue Shadow after reaching the Imperial Hangar at the far end, you can warp out of the Imperial Base and be a little bit closer to the Bull Rancor fight. Unfortunately this was determined to not actually be faster than simply walking back though, due to the added load times when you exit to Rogue Shadow and return to the level; even on Switch, which is the fastest console by a great deal.

This video by NoviceSR shows the skip:

After performing the Mandalorian Skip proceed ahead through Cloud City, past the Lobot cutscene, and towards the elevators that lead to Kleef.

Chop'aa's Thugs 3

This group is the one that guards the elevator to Kleef, when the group is defeated the elevator to Kleef will open. The only enemies that count towards this enemy mob health bar are the three mammoth enemies by the elevators. The fastest way to defeat them is to throw them over the pit you crossed when approaching the elevator. The two weak Twi'lek mercenaries do not count towards the enemy health bar, only the mammoth enemies.

After defeating the mammoth enemies the elevator to Kleef will open.


When the fight begins immediately grab and choke Kleef to break his block and hold him in the air, then throw him behind you to the opposite end of the room. The goal here is to get him away from his robots, who are likely to grab you and ensnare you in a Saber-lock if they do. After you have moved him away from his robots perform the same strat that you performed much earlier in the run on Drexl Roosh, using Saber Throw while running into Kleef to quickly defeat him and preventing him from blocking the attack. Remember not to spam the Saber Throw as it is less effective than timing your throws properly. Remember as well that this trick is likely more difficult on Wii due to the required inputs for a Saber Throw.

Video of this strat by NoviceSR:

After defeating Kleef there is nothing left to do but head to the Chop'aa fight. Board the elevator to the next area and double jump over the Gran grenadiers to avoid being hit by them, then when you reach the corridors that lead directly to Chop'aa use a jump and dash to jump over most enemies, using Lightning to stun the Gran grenadiers if you are fearful that you might get hit and knocked back by them.

When you reach the end of Cloud City the Chop'aa fight will begin, which has three distinct phases. First you must defeat two Mandalorians.

Mandalorians (Chop'aa fight)

When the fight begins move forward a bit to get the Mandalorians in range of your force powers and grab the left Mandalorian out of the air, use Force Choke and maneuver them together while doing so, then Lightning both together until you are down to one Mandalorian, then Choke or use Lightning on the final one until he is dead. This enemy health bar is only the two Mandalorians and they are fairly easily defeated using this strategy. Be careful to avoid Chop'aa (the Mandalorian with the staff) as he will be invulnerable during this portion of the fight.

Note that it is HIGHLY recommended that you let your Force regenerate as full as you can before defeating the final Mandalorian as this is a crucial piece of the strategy for the next mini-boss.

After defeating the Mandalorians the Basilisk fight will start.

Basilisk (Chop'aa fight)

Basilisk is one of the strongest mini-bosses in the game in terms of the size of his health bar. However, there is a way to manipulate Basilisk into standing still for the duration of the fight, which makes him much easier to take down than he is normally.

When the fight begins use the Lightning Saber Throw technique and run directly up against Basilisk so you're directly in front of him, use the Lightning Throw technique til you run out of Force, then attack Basilisk with continuous attacks from your Lightsaber until your Force has regenerated. When your Force meter reaches full immediately start using Saber Throws again and add Lightning to it when you can so that you don't use the enhanced Lightsaber damage ability that eats your entire force meter. Repeat this process until Basilisk is defeated, it should only take roughly 2.5 Force-meters for Basilisks QTE finisher to be ready.

After performing the QTE finisher the next stage of the fight will begin.

The strat can be seen here:

Chop'aa Notimo

For Chop'aa using Force Choke is ideal, this is because he is a melee-opponent but he is unable to use the Force, meaning that he cannot break a Force hold that you have on him. When the fight loads in, begin by grabbing Chop'aa immediately and use Force Choke on him. To maximize damage output, stop using Choke on Chop'aa JUST BEFORE your Force-meter runs out, this will cause him to remain suspended in the air for a brief period as if you let-go of him; if you let your Force-meter run out, this does not happen and he will fall instantly. While he is suspended in the air, attack him with your lightsaber to deal a great deal of damage while your Force-meter refills, then repeat the process until Chop'aa is defeated.

We had considered using a similar strat to the ones we developed for Drexl and for Kleef on Chop'aa, as these three all share the commonality of being non-Force using melee-opponents. However, the Saber Throw concept that works very well on Drexl and Kleef potentially does not save any time at all on Chop'aa because he has such a high health bar, meaning it takes multiple Force-meters to defeat him, and you will have to spend so much time waiting for your meter to refill that it is not much faster than the method outlined above if performed perfectly, and if it is not performed perfectly it is liable to lose time.

Congratulations, you've made it to the end of Cloud City!


On your way to the Death Star you will first have to select the Corellia "level" and skip the cutscenes, much like Vader's Flagship earlier in the run.

Death Star is a pretty complicated level being the last one of the game and there is a lot that can go wrong in it unfortunately, however with practice you should be able to make it pretty consistent. This is also one of the few levels in the game where health management is extremely important, this guide will outline the preferred spots to pick up health.

When the level begins jump and dash up the catwalk and over the stormtroopers to easily get past them and make your way to the elevator that will take you down to the first Push Barrier.

Push Barrier 1

As soon as you exit the elevator you can begin working on clearning this room, use Lightning to attack all of the troopers in the room at once, in one full Force-meter you can kill the entire group if you're careful about hitting all of them at the same time. When you go to charge your Force Push it should be essentially free to pick up the health that the medic dropped, he's likely to have died right near where you have to stand.

After clearing the room open the Push Barrier to proceed to the area with the Death Star's laser. As you're coming through the door the laser will begin to fire and you will have to wait a moment before being able to cross the bridge safely.

Push Barrier 2

You want to cross the bridge as quickly as you can to get to the Push Barrier ahead before all the troopers behind you have time to catch up. As you're crossing the bridge be careful when dashing, as you have surely noticed at this point that the auto-target can steer Starkiller in the incorrect direction and on these bridges it can cause you to fall off and die, which is a major timeloss.

When you make it to the other end use Lightning to kill the four stormtroopers in front of the Push Barrier (on PSP it seems to be two troopers consistently) and break through the door.

Push Barrier 3

After getting through the second Push Barrier run ahead and down the cellblock tunnel towards the next Push Barrier. It is possible to avoid the trigger that normally spawns the Shadow Troopers in this tunnel by getting through the previous room quickly and taking a direct path to the tunnel from the second Push Barriers location.

When you come out on the other side of the tunnel aim to the left and use Lightning on all of the Imperials in that direction, which is a commander, a medic, and four stormtroopers. Ignore the commander to your right when you enter the room. After defeating this group collect the medic's health and jump up and over the computer consoles that are directly on the right side of the Push Barrier (the ones that can be grabbed with the force), and stand behind those to charge your Force Push and break through the door. If you stand behind these objects the commander in this room that you ignored will not be able to hit you.

After you break through this door you will likely once again have to wait a moment for the Death Star's laser to stop firing to cross the bridge. Be extra careful when dashing across this particular bridge as the Jetpack Troopers are prime candidates for your auto-target to steer you off the bridge and cause you to die.

After getting across the bridge dash forward to the Forcefield Generators.

Forcefield Generators + Tractor Beam

Dash forwards towards the Forcefield Generator on the left. You will use the same Maelstrom strat that you used in Raxus Prime 2 to destroy the Forcefield Generators, however you must do them one at a time, and interestingly this will also destroy the Tractor Beam generator nearest to you when you do it, allowing you to destroy two of the Tractor Beam generators before that segment starts. When the segment loads in, the health bar will be half empty.

After breaking the Forcefield Generators dash into the Tractor Beam area, skip the cutscene, and immediately force grab an object nearby you. Extend the object out as far as it will go over the chasm and throw it at the Tractor Beam generator on the left first, be careful not to hit any of the incoming TIE Fighters with the object you throw. After destroying the left tractor beam generator, grab another object and throw it at the right one, and you will finish this segment. Note that on PSP there are significantly less objects for you to pick up and throw at the Tractor Beams, so be very careful.

Death Star Bridge Skip (Optional/Risky Trick)

After finishing the Tractor Beam segment run and dash ahead and down the hallway to the next bridge you have to cross, by the time you reach it the bridge will be about to close. If you make it down the hallway fast enough it is possible to perform an extended jump and get to the other end of the bridge before the Death Star's laser fires and kills you. The extended jump technique is a dash into a long double jump, another dash, and end with two slow aerial attacks. This will save about 8-10 seconds.

Please note that most runners of the game have stopped attempting this trick at this point because it is very easy to fail, given the relatively small time-save and the riskiness of the strat, but if you are bold then the trick is indeed faster.

Video of the technique:

If you do not perform the Death Star Bridge Skip, you will have to wait for the Death Star's laser to begin to fade away and run across the bridge to the Imperial Troops enemy mob.

Imperial Troops 1

This enemy mob requires five kills, of which the prime targets are the three weak stormtroopers and the two medics behind them. Use Lightning as you approach to kill the weak stormtroopers and use Aerial Assault to kill the medics afterwards. When all five are dead the elevator will open, ignore the Jetpack troopers.

It is worth it to note that the area coming up ahead can be very damage heavy so if you are low on health it may be advisable to pick up one of the health packs that the medics should drop when they are defeated.

Proceed to the elevator.

Push Barrier 4

This Push Barrier is free to open after you exit the elevator. As soon as you get through the Imperial Troops mob will trigger.

Imperial Troops 2

As you enter the large room where this mob can be found use Lightning to kill the weak stormtroopers that are closest to you, and use Aerial Assault to kill the commanders and medics around the room.

It is possible to take a fair bit of damage when dealing with this mob and the next room is also very damage heavy so if you are low on health it is advisable to pick up one of the health packs that the medics should drop when they are defeated.

Imperial Troops 3

This group is a little more interesting, composed of five weak stormtroopers and four Jetpack troopers that will not appear right away. When you enter this room run to the far end where the weak stormtroopers are hiding behind a computer console and use Lightning to kill all five of them; after you have killed four of them, the Jetpack troopers will spawn.

The easiest way to kill these Jetpack troopers is to hit them with a Saber Throw while they are flying over the chasm, it is fairly easy to kill at least one or two of them while they are approaching if you make it to their area fast enough. If they hover over the solid ground, then use the Force to grab them and move them over the chasm, release your Force grab (this is very important), and perform the Saber Throw.

It is important to release your grip on the Jetpack Troopers before performing the Saber Throw. If you perform the Saber Throw before you have let go of the Jetpack trooper then the animation that will trigger is the one where the Saber gets stuck in their chest for a period, this will still kill them as long as they were over the pit but you will have to wait a few seconds longer than normal for your Lightsaber to come back to you, which if done on all four of them adds up to several seconds.

After defeating this group proceed to the AT-ST mini-boss in the next room.


I'm sure you know the drill at this point if you've made it this far.

Perform the Lightning Saber Throw technique on the AT-ST to defeat it quickly, do not perform the QTE finisher on it. When it is below about 50% health Jetpack troopers will arrive to bother you, ignore them. Remember to stand behind the AT-ST to avoid being hit by its missile attack.

Known Glitches: On PS2 emulator we have seen the AT-ST not spawn in the arena and instead spawn out of bounds behind a wall, this glitch and what to do if this happens in a run can be seen here:

After defeating the AT-ST all that is left in the game is to make it to the Emperor's throne room and fight Darth Vader. There will be some stormtroopers, Shock Troopers, torture droids, and elevators in your path, but the way is clear of any actual obstacles.

Darth Vader 1

You've finally made it here! Congratulations. There's not much left to do.

Darth Vader can be easily defeated by performing Aerial Assaults on him just like the rest of the Jedi/Sith bosses in the game. Specifically there is a corner that you can back him into with yellow barrels in it that, while you are performing your Aerial Assaults, the barrels will bounce around and may do additional damage to Vader, making the fight a little bit faster.

The moves that Vader is most likely to hit you with are a Force grab, a Choke, or a Saber Throw. If he grabs you, use a Push to break it and hit him. If he actually successfully chokes you, you will have to break free by moving the control stick and a Force Push will not work. If he throws his Saber, try to jump over it when performing your Aerial Assaults.

When Vader's suit is damaged enough and his health is low enough his QTE will become available, perform the QTE to defeat him. Note that this QTE has pretty fast windows you have to push the buttons in and they come pretty rapidly, its definitely the toughest one of the game, so be sure to pay attention to not lose a lot of time right at the end of the run.

Darth Vader 2 (Dark Side Ending)

But wait! There's more!

As you're probably aware after defeating Darth Vader you must make the choice of whether or not you want to defeat Emperor Palpatine and save your friends, the light side ending, or kill Darth Vader and replace him as Palpatine's apprentice, the dark side ending. The fastest fight by a long shot is Darth Vader, so for speed, you will be playing the Dark Side ending; the game gives him much lower health than Palpatine in keeping with the idea that he is already seriously wounded.

This second Darth Vader is very easily finished with Aerial Assault. Run towards Vader to choose him as your fight and then quickly take him out with Aerial Assault, about three or four should get him below 50% health, which is when his QTE will become active.

Perform the QTE finisher on Darth Vader for the second time to beat the game.


I hope that you found this guide useful, good luck on your NG+ runs!