terminolagy + clipping discoverd on stream!
4 years ago

Okay, I want to just say that I am not a mod and you can use your own terminology but this is what I am using.

UPS - Units per second

Unit - One step in a room (Made up of 32 pixels or 8 by 8 pixels)

Room - A screen (Made up of 32 units)

Bunny hopping - Moving and jumping - UPS 2.6 (Fastest consistent way of movement)

Shot hopping - Bunny hopping but you - UPS 2.3 shoot a web in between jumps (Second fastest way of consistent movement)

Important things. Okay in the video linked I discovered a way to "Clip". I (as of writing this) not been able to recreate this.

Clip theory - I watched the video and it just looks like what I want to call "Character displacement" (cd for shot). Spidey was in the laying down position, but I shot a web putting me in the crouching/sitting position. This in affect, clipped me through the floor. This is VERY important. Thank you for your time.


Edited by the author 4 years ago
oddtom and Aqua_boy0 like this
Oregon, USA

I was playing around with this and wasn't able to do it when jumping from the floor but I found that I'm able to get it fairly consistently when I start from one tile higher. I walked to the next screen over and used the first step on the chopper building to jump off of. You need to jump off while shooting a web up and offscreen, while still in the air "stand up" sideways with your back to the floor, then shoot another web "up" relative to the way that you're facing. When done right, Spidey will do his curl animation right as you are hitting the floor and you will clip through.

Hope this helps :)

Texas, USA

^ Can you link a clip of this type of clipping too? Maybe include a keyboard viewer? I was working on a TAS yesterday, and I couldn't repeat it because I don't really understand the button combination.

Oregon, USA

Here is a video with keyviewer. It seemed to me that you need to webshoot very fast to get in the right position. Also, I haven't had any luck doing it indoors, only when the web shoots up off the screen and doesn't grab anything. Doing it indoors should be possible just much harder to get a consistent setup.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Aqua_boy0 likes this