Timing Method
9 years ago

I thinking about it last night and it seems that everyone has a different timing method. I couldn't think a good, logical timing method.

For the time being, i'm going to use the IGT method which is when you gain of control of Postal Dude instead of the mapping.

Re-timing on the leaderboards soon. Any questions or comments leave a reply.

United States

Missed this, but sounds good to me.


I was not aware of this site until I happened to stumble upon it by chance.

That said, I'm assuming that real time would be based on the moment the Monday chore list transitions out to returning home on Friday and would factor out the loading times also?

United States

Yes, that's what I added to the rules a while back:

Timing should start when the in-game timer starts—as Monday's chore list transitions away—and end when the in-game timer stops—when the final cutscene begins.

Removing loading times would be nice. The in-game timer is almost the solution to this but when a save is loaded the timer goes back to when the save occurred, so this goes against real-time. What I would like to have is an autosplitter1 that pauses the timer during loading, although this would require everyone to use LiveSplit (I have not yet considered this a problem since I'm the only active runner here, and I use LiveSplit). I spent a couple of hours on Cheat Engine finding memory addresses that correspond to whenever the game is loading, but I had trouble scanning for a pointer that LiveSplit could use. Maybe with some more effort I could find something.


In-game timer doesn't count in things like the ballot box and so too so there'd be further accuracy in that aspect.

I haven't had much opportunity to go back into Postal 2 but I'll check it out with Cheat Engine when I can.


Do you have to use a timer btw? Or can you just use the in-game timer?

Czech Republic

Timer is prefered, but not required. It can be timed manually. IGT is not enough.

Czech Republic

Guys, how about we change the timer to start after you press "Start" button? The thing about current timing rules is that everyone starts a bit differently and it's not like you can move right away when the chore list disappears, anyway.

While working on a new segmented run, I've discovered that the IGT is really weird sometimes and shouldn't be used even as a starting point.

  1. By the time the chore list on Monday goes away, you already have 1 second of IGT, so it actually starts during loading screen.

  2. For some strange reason the game automatically adds 0.4 second everytime you get out of a loading transition, which doesn't make sense.

The main point is to make a clear starting point, but of course all current runs would be retimed and would be longer by couple seconds.

Czech Republic

I've created an online poll, so make sure you vote :)


EDIT: For some reason the poll didn't work, so here's a new one.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

"1) By the time the chore list on Monday goes away, you already have 1 second of IGT, so it actually starts during loading screen.

  1. For some strange reason the game automatically adds 0.4 second everytime you get out of a loading transition, which doesn't make sense. "

Well, since everybody is experiencing this, I don't see why we should change it, Just adds the hassle of adjusting every single runtime.

Czech Republic

That's my problem to retime all runs. Since the vote ended up with 6 to 2 for changing the timer start, I will implement it soon.


Ok. I've just submitted a new PB, but I read this just after, so it's still timed the old way.

Czech Republic

I've retimed all the current PBs according to the new timing rules, so make sure you read it before you start your next run. I also fixed a couple dead links and couple old runs that had a really bizarre time. If anyone sees an issue, please report it here.

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