Does the "No Holidays" rule apply even when recording around that holiday, such as now?
1 month ago
United States

The only difference for Christmas is that some people are wearing Santa hats, but I wanted to make sure. If it does apply, does anyone know if there's a way to turn that off that doesn't break the rules? I'm trying for the No Major Skips category, if that's important.

Apulia, Italy
Super moderatorTokigno
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
1 month ago

It doesn't count as a holiday because according to the game these are the official ones:

Edited by the author 20 days ago
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Patch 5100 added the day selection from the main menu, you can now submit ILs for all the 5 days, please read the rules and good luck!

1 year ago