Cooper block%
3 years ago

Make a cooper block as fast as possible It can be done in 20w45a or 20w46a In 20w46a a cooper block is done with only 4 cooper ingots so is a lot faster Every random seed post must have in the title random seed And run starts when the generating screen disappears run ends when you have placed the cooper block

Edited by the author 3 years ago

5:12 random seed

United Kingdom

Take this to the speedrunning discord - link on the left - and request it in the category-suggestions channel. However, I highly doubt this category will be accepted.

Propants, Leelo, and Puplee like this
United Kingdom

funny how requesting a category is frowned upon and this is a very stupid category but also what's worse which you didn't take into account is that snapshots have never or never will be a speed running category.

gravefruit likes this
Greater London, England
  1. Snapshots won't get accepted as a catagory.
  2. Won't go through cause there isn't Netgerite block either
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2 years ago