7 years ago
New Zealand

Please rename it to Trevor%. Literally every single person calls it that. Chur

MizterConfuzing and Elkjaer like this

I have a better solution, This category will never have a good name%

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Pomorskie, Poland

How about RemovedCategory%

SolusOHKO and Derpeth like this

just move it to meme boards

SolusOHKO likes this
Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

I know some people I've talked to have suggested moving it to "Grand Theft Auto Category Extensions" area/game; if you were to do this I would suggest asking an admin (Lighnat0r maybe) to do stuff on the backend to move it all over. I wouldn't want someone doing each run manually, sounds like torture and if you were going to move obsolete runs too, would take forever.

New South Wales, Australia

Given the hassle it would take to move anywhere, and that it is already out of the way, it seems pointless to move it.

We could just make a poll for it. The only reason changing it to Trevor % still makes sense is because no one seriously adopted the new name, as stupid as the old name Trevor % is.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
S. and Mattmatt like this
New South Wales, Australia

I will also add, Trevor % makes this game higher in the lists when you search for games. It shows the amount of runners as far higher. Whether you consider this deceptive or not, it will mean this game will be more readily seen by people using that list to look for a game to run.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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Level: The Merryweather Heist - Freight
Level: The Merryweather Heist - Freight
Level: Derailed
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