Where the heck is my run????
5 years ago

Just wait It can take some time to be verified. Usually it is fast, but if depend on moderators' time.

dorothy likes this
Rhône-Alpes, France

If you read et me sages after clicking on « submit » you would see « runs take usually 1-2 weeks to be verified ». Moderators are not bots, and don’t chase for new runs awaiting to be validated.

Texas, USA

Hey @nyoshi! Thanks for submitting a run :) On speedrun.com, it is normal for it to take up to 2 weeks for a moderator to verify your run. The mods all have lives outside of speedrunning, and this is something we do in our free time. Please be patient -- it will be verified soon.

For better communication with mods and the Cat Bird runners, I recommend you join the Cat Bird Discord located in the sidebar. We'd love to have you!

Edit: I noticed you use a timer in your runs. Timer is not required for runs, as we use https://github.com/Slush0Puppy/retime to retime -- so you can leave it out if you'd like! For full world runs, you should use the in game timer.

Edited by the author 5 years ago