Justification for current catogaries.
10 months ago
Western Australia, Australia

Howdy gamers

Looking for some justification behind the catogaries we have for SGnG. I want to speed run this game but I don't want to be forced to use the various glitches that the competitive runs use. I would like to run the levels as intended. Most other games have glitchless catogaries. It has left me wondering why this game doesn't seperate the glitches?

Not throwing shade on the great work and dedication of the mods and runners. I am just curious.

Cheers and have a great day.


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Nebraska, USA
Deleted by the author
United States

No great reason for a glitchless category since 95% of our current runs on the leaderboard don't use the invulnerability glitches, generally. I don't think we'll make a seperate category for glitchless because it's difficult to define with some various tricks used in the run... Then we would have to sort out many of the runs to correspond to the new rule set if they followed those conditions.

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