New "Race to Mars" strategy (pirate base capturing).
10 months ago

Turn on bases, ships (and maybe drones) on in world generation. When starting game, first, quickly convert drop pod into aircraft (optionally, also add interior turret and some armor), and then fly it to nearest pirate base. Then capture pirate base without blowing it up and without drop pod being ruined (that is, it's survival kit and battery must not be destroyed by drones - you probably may need multiple respawns to do all this, though it was known to capture it in a single go, though it required huge amounts of ammo and hydrogen tanks ). Then, use recourses found in base, materials of which base is made, and wrecks of drones, to make a functioning ship and take off. When besieging the pirate base, it is advised to turn the pod into small underground base - that way, drones won't destroy your survival kit. This strategy would allow to make a run in roughly sub 30-minutes, as long as you don't make too many mistakes, and would be much more action-packed than normal "Race to Mars". What are your opinion on this strategy?