Super Neptunia RPG - Any% Notes
Super Neptunia RPG - Any% Notes
Updated 4 years ago by lisaroxroxrox

Notes transcribed from Illayaya’s Any% PC Run found here:

Maps from WJStories on Gamefaqs found here:

I combined notes and maps here:

This run is very reset heavy.

On Nintendo Switch, the + button skips through dialogue/cut scenes

Start at New Game

Skip dialogue Fast Forward through opening battle

Lastation 1

Skip cutscene Head outside Skip cutscene Head to guild Enter/Exit/Enter guild, skip cutscene Head to Westwind Valley

Westwind Valley 1 Skip cutscene Fight Dogoo - fast forward through battle Skip Cutscene Fight Dogoo fast forward through battle Skip Cutscene Menu: Equip Pretty Bracelet Abilities - Life Bonus Get Chest at top of Room 2 - berries Skip over Dogoos Fight Dogoos at end of Room 4, Symbol Attack, fast forward through battle Go to Room 5 and touch save crystal Go to back to Room 4 and go to Room 6 Go to Room 7, Then Room 11 Head to Lastation Outskirts

Lastation Outskirts 1

Activate Cut Scene Skip Cutscene Head to save Crystal Warp to Westwind Valley Crystal Proceed to Room 13 Skip Tutorial Fight Boss - Lifeless Soldier Fast Forward through battle Use Break Attack Enter Ratchet Volcano

Ratchet Volcano 1

Fall down at the end of Room 2 to get to Room 5 Go to Room 6, go to end of Route 6 to battle boss - Ester Fast Forward through battle Skip dialogue Fight Boss with Chrome Fast Forward through Battle using only Chrome Use Chrome Break Attack

Back at Volcano entrance, head into Westwind Valley back to the save crystal Warp to Lastation

Lastation 2

Go to guild Skip Cut Scene Cross Bridge and skip dialogue to get 200 Credits Enter armor shop, skip Cutscene Get Sensword Walk over to item shop Buy 10 Glacius Ore Head back to the Guild, drop off Chrome Accept quest Warp to Ratchet Volcano crystal

Ratchet Volcano 2 Make your way over to Room 9 Skip Dialogue Neptune and Noire use Glacius Ore on Boss Skip Dialogue Warp to Lastation, head to guild and skip dialogue Warp to Westwind Valley crystal

Westwind Valley 2 Menu: Equip - Neptune Sensword Abilities - Blanc Auto Lightning Resistance Noire - Intelligence bonus Go though Rooms 8, 9, 10 to Twin Mountains

Twin Mountains 1 Go through Rooms 1,2,3,4 to get to Lowee City

Lowee City 1 Skip through dialogue Use Crystal to warp back to the entrance of Twin Mountains Go through Rooms 1,2,5,6,7,8 Fight Boss Use Noir, keep an eye on health, you may need to use a berry Use Blanc Break Attack

Akoop Ancient Archive Skip Dialogue Go through Rooms 1, 3, Skip Dialogue Go Downstairs to Room 4,6 Fight Boss, Fast Forward through fight Book of Restoration is to the left Skip through tutorial Head back to the entrance, get Blanc, go back to Twin Mountains

Twin Mountains 2 Go through Rooms 8,7,9 Use a Puddingo, jump to get Steel Necklace Use Crystal to warp to Lowee City

Lowee City 2 Go toward entrance, skip dialogue Talk to Suspicious Person Choose Run away without helping Skip dialogue, use crystal to warp to Twin Mountains Crystal

Twin Mountains 3 Go to room 6, Jump up the ledges using Puddingo to Room 12, Drop down in Room 13, head to Room 15, Skip dialogue Enter FC Land

FC Land 1 Skip Dialogue,Slide to opposite side of screen Skip Cutscene and dialogue Fast forward battle until you’re defeated Skip Cutscenes and dialogues Head back to Twin Mountains

Twin Mountains 4 Head back to save crystal in Room 9 Use crystal to warp to Lowee City

Lowee City 3 Head to guild, skip through cut scene, head back to crystal to warp to Twin Mountains crystal

Twin Mountains 5 Left to Room 11, Left to Lowee Harbor, go to Leanbox Harbor, Skip dialogue, Enter Yasnaya Forrest

Yasnaya Forrest 1 Skip Vert cutscene in Room 2, Go to Room 3 and warp to Yasnaya Forrest Head right to Leanbox

Leanbox City 1 Head to armor shop: Sell Steel Necklace Buy Oxen Spear Head to Inn, skip cutscene Equip - Vert Oxen Abilities - Vert Strength Bonus, Life Bonus II Use Crystal to Warp to Yasnaya Forrest Crystal

Yasnaya Forrest 2 Go to Room 5, skip cutscene Fight boss Put Blanc in front Fight with Vert and Neptune If Blanc is dead, use Vert Break Attack Go to Resistance HQ, fight Artisan Blanc in front, fight with Neptune and Vert Skip dialogue Exit Resistance HQ Warp to Twin Mountains Crystal

Twin Mountains 6 Head Toward FC Land Leave without helping in Room 12 Skip dialogue Continue to FC Land Enter Yanderella Castle

Yanderella Castle Skip dialogue Go through Rooms 2,5,7 Fight Bombyx Mori soldiers Fight with Chrome, use Vert Break Attack Get Jail Key Go back to Room 2, enter Room 4 Skip cutscene, get Harmony Blade Go back to entrance Skip cutscenes

Lowee City 4 Menu: Equip- Noire - Harmony Blade Formation-> Party -> Noire -> Change Normal Attack (X Button) to Luminisa Abilities - Noire - Intelligence Bonus Blanc - Auto Lightning Resist Exit Inn Warp to Lowee Harbor Skip through cutscenes Head to Resistance HQ Skip through cutscenes Warp to Leanbox Harbor Fight boss, Attack with Noire Skip through cutscenes

Sakura Road 1 Fight encounter at the bottom of Room 2 with Noire Go to Room 4,5,10,12 Touch Save Crystal in 12, fight encounter Go to Room 13, Skip through cutscene Back to Room 12, Warp to Planeptune Harbor Fight boss with Noire Skip dialogue Go to Lowee Harbor Get magic scale You can now double jump

Twin Mountains 7 Go to save crystal in Room 9, warp to Sakura Road crystal

Sakura Road 2 Go to Room 13, fight boss using Noire, head to Planeptune Sea

Planeptune Sea Skip dialogue Go through Rooms 2,4,5,8,9,10,11,12,13 skip dialogue Fight Bombyx Mori soldiers using Noire Skip dialogue, enter Submerged Tower

Submerged Tower Skip dialogue In Room 2, Use puddingo to double jump and slide to Room 8 Go to Room 9, fight the encounter using Symbol attack, use Noire Get Access Card 2, skip treasure Back to Room 8, Fall down to Room 2, Head to 3F Use puddingo to double jump and slide to Room 16 Skip dialogue Menu: Heal Noire Head to Room 17,18, fight boss using Noire Make sure you heal Noire throughout the battle Skip through dialogue Continue on to back room Skip dialogue

Sakura Road 4 Go to Rooms 12,10,5,6 enter Compa’s house Skip dialogue/cutscenes Talk to Compa Skip dialogue/cutscenes Talk to Chrome Fight Purple Heart Skip dialogue Head back to save crystal Warp to Lastation

Lastation 3 Skip dialogue Fight Black Heart Cross bridge to talk to Chrome Skip dialogue Warp to Lowee City

Lowee City 5 Head to the guild Fight White Heart Menu: Formation -> Party -> Switch out Blanc for Chrome Abilities - Chrome - Auto Evade Vert - Strength Bonus, Life Bonus II Head back to crystal Skip dialogue, warp to Lowee Harbor Skip dialogue/cut scenes Fight Atura and Bombyx Mori Soldiers using Chrome, Use Vert Break Attack Make sure to keep everyone alive and heal when needed Not a big deal if Neptune dies Menu: Heal everyone Head to Save Crystal, warp to Leanbox City

Leanbox City 2 Fight Bombyx Mori and Bokemon Put Noire in front and attack Fight Green Heart Fight Bombyx Mori Soldiers, heal up, put Noire in front, fight with Noire Warp to Yasnaya Forrest crystal

Yasnaya Forrest 3 Head to Resistance Base HQ Skip through dialogue/cutscenes Warp to Twin Mountains Crystal

Twin Mountains 8 Head to FC Land Skip dialogue Fight Bokemon using Black Heart, use Black Heart Break Attack

Split Up Head to Yanderella Castle Fight Bokemon with Green Heart 2x Skip dialogue Head to Yanderella Castle Basement Skip dialogue/cut scene Head to Room 8 Skip dialogue/cutscene Head back to entrance Fight second encounter in Room 2 using Noire Head back to FC Land Skip dialogue/Cutscene

Inside Historie Skip Treasure Try to get to Room 5 without falling or any encounters Fight Boss using Black Heart, Black Heart Break Attack Try to keep Black Heart alive Skip dialogue Menu: Omni potion Exit Historie Skip dialogue/cut scenes Fight boss with Chrome, Chrome Break Attack Fight Artura with Black Heart, Black Heart Break Attack Keep everyone alive, but in the meantime if Black Heart dies, fight with Chrome Skip dialogue Head back to Twin Mountains Skip dialogue Head to Twin Mountains save crystal, warp to New Resistance Base Don’t go inside the base, go right Skip dialogue/cutscenes Warp to Leanbox Harbor Head to Poly Island

Poly Island Fight battle with Chrome, Vert Break Attack Skip dialogue/cut scene Go through Rooms 1,2,3,4,5 Fight Boss with Chrome, Chrome Break Attack Skip Dialogue/Cutscene

Bombyx Mori HQ 1 Go through Rooms 1,2,3,4 Skip dialogue Fight Filyn using Chrome, Chrome Break Attack Skip Dialogue/Cutscenes

Inside the Pipe Go through Room 1, talk to Chrome Go to New Resistance Base Skip dialogue Warp to FC Land

FC Land 2 Skip dialogue Head toward balloon, talk to engineer Skip dialogue Head to Twin Mountains

Twin Mountains 9 Head to Lowee Harbor (just past the save crystal) Skip dialogue, fight Octopus using Chrome, Chrome Break Attack Turn right back to the boat and go to Lowee Harbor Head to save crystal, warp to Compa’s House Skip dialogue/cutscenes Head to Sakura Road save crystal, warp to Poly Island Harbor Get on boat, go to Lowee Harbor Go to save crystal, warp to Bombyx Mori HQ Crystal

Bombyx Mori HQ 2 Head left Skip dialogue Go through Rooms 1,2,5,6,7 go in Filyn’s room Skip dialogue/cutscene Go to Room 8, use puddingo to double jump to Room 10 Go to Room 11, then Roof Skip dialogue/cutscenes Fight battle with Filyn using Chrome, Chrome Break Attack Skip dialogue/cutscenes Use Elixir on Chrome, fight Three Musketeers battle with Chrome, Chrome Break Attack Skip dialogue Menu: Heal up

Talk to Ultimate Dragon Don’t become an Ally Skip dialogue Fight Ultimate Dragon using Chrome, Chrome Break Attack Elixir Chrome when needed

Time Ends on end of battle

Game stats