6 years ago

This is basically any% but you can only move whilst jumping or in captures

SparkyPenguin, 24HourRunz and 2 others like this

Why are there no replies after 4 days? This is a great idea that I would like to see some runs for.

24HourRunz likes this
New York, USA

This just seems like Jumpless Any% but even more annoying. Just my opinion though.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Michigan, USA

That's a pretty ok idea

Michigan, USA

That's a pretty ok idea


in captures do you mean that you can move whilst in a capture? also this is deffinitly a great idea we should maybe allow cap bouncing just to be fair if people are bad also dont try this if its your first category its deffinitly a good category idea and i would really enjoy if it made it onto the category extentions board or a misc.

United States

This would be a pain to verify. You'd have to watch every frame of the run closely.

United States

Something similar could be no left stick unless in captures. That would be a lot less painful to verify but would take like 9000 hours.


@Entep posted the same message twice

Michigan, USA

@3ommy25 probably a WiFi Error


@penguinsaver415 I mean you can move in captures because otherwise I'm pretty sure it's impossible

Michigan, USA

Tbh just use wheelchair Mod you're not walking

United States

Mods are cheating.

Michigan, USA

So 1.0 Mods are Cheating?

United States

Mods are only cheating unless the category says you can use it or requires you to use it.

Pennsylvania, USA

Gaiaphage if you're willing to verify runs then be my guest!