LevelFirst place
MaGLX - 00-01 Grassy Way Plains - by Mikeycj24
MaGLX - 00-02 It's an SMB3 Level, Except More Stupid - By Litdude42
MaGLX - 00-03 Starry Ocean Pipes - By IceT
MaGLX - 00-04 Proud Sky - By AUS
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 00-05 Kirby Forest - By Zpto
MaGLX - 01-01 Fluffy Sky Tunnel - by Boar
MaGLX - 01-02 Investigation of a Happy Ocean - by Raekuul
MaGLX - 01-03 Too Many Rivers - by Utsi
MaGLX - 01-04 Flying Space Fish - by 8SomaCruzes
MaGLX - 01-05 The Ghostly Lake - by Nathan the Talkmaus
MaGLX - 01-06 Versus Disgruntledgammler - by Jolpengammler
MaGLX - 01-07 Chaos House - by Heavy Sigh
MaGLX - 01-08 A Waltz in Scarlet Devil Mainson - by MECHDRAGON777
MaGLX - 01-09 Toad House - by Nightsparrow
MaGLX - 01-10 River - by Alice
MaGLX - 01-11 Too Much Lava on this Motherf- Island - by Rezanator
MaGLX - 01-12 The Raging Flying Pokemon - by Jesuiscontent
MaGLX - 02-01 Too Much Lava in this Motherf- Disaster - by Bartekolo
MaGLX - 02-02 A Foxtrot in Dreamland - by Leet
MaGLX - 02-03 I Hear in Japan they Fly in their Castles - by Zyglrox
MaGLX - 02-04 Jolly Old Toad - by Djrk16
MaGLX - 02-05 Jump Rapidly - by OrangeChickenPasta
MaGLX - 02-06 Jump the Canyons - by Hazelnut
MaGLX - 02-07 What Blue Pipe? - by LovelyPenguin
MaGLX - 02-08 Dead Yoshi Ship - by BigWY16
MaGLX - 02-09 A Jolly Bouncing Level - by Memnarch
MaGLX - 02-10 Ocean - by SMCslevelengine
MaGLX - 02-11 Bowser's Oldest Fortress - by Rednaxela
MaGLX - 02-12 Dudes - by Zmonbobbo
MaGLX - 02-13 Swim in the Sinking Lake - by Pikabread
MaGLX - 02-14 Lavahouse - by QueitProtag
MaGLX - 03-01 So Many Tunnels - by Fasoula
MaGLX - 03-02 Elevate the Castle - by Menshay
MaGLX - 03-03 Green Mystery - by DarklingKitty
MaGLX - 03-04 Delightful Graveyard - by Septentrion Pleiades
MaGLX - 03-05 Mountain Disaster - by Maiku Wotaharu
MaGLX - 03-06 A Sudden Assassination in the Mario Kingdom - by Quman
MaGLX - 03-07 It's a SMB3 Level Except More Delightful - by PtTriforce
MaGLX - 03-08 Deranged Toad Path - by LadySuburu
MaGLX - 03-09 Lava Water Star - by Arfman
MaGLX - 03-10 I hate Assassinating when it's Pleasant - by Mellonpizza
MaGLX - 03-11 A Dreamland Castle Ship - by Gezo24
MaGLX - 03-12 Talkhaus - by Octagon
MaGLX - 03-13 Slightly and Fiercely Run - by OverHyped
MaGLX - 03-14 I'll Be Back - by HozukiHangetsu
MaGLX - 03-15 A Blue Yoshi in Hyrule Temple? - by LukaRamu
MaGLX - 04-01 Too Few Fish in this Motherf- Disaster - by Freelop
MaGLX - 04-02 Disaster - by Clemasterable
MaGLX - 04-03 Koopa Devil Mansion - by RPGFan4
MaGLX - 04-04 Swiftly and Abruptly Advance - by Minnakht
MaGLX - 04-05 My Own Take on Bowser's Back Door - by Lejes
MaGLX - 04-06 Faithful Lumpy Toad - by Kirbyman198
MaGLX - 04-07 Beginning Designer's Yellow Star Level - by Zombieskull
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 04-08 Carefully and Forcefully Jump - by Validon98
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 04-09 The Ghosts of the Naval Fleet - by Diggertron
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 04-10 Evil Hyrule Castle - by Netomar
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 04-11 Waters of Antartica - by InvisibleSandwich
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 04-12 So Imagine a Japanese Cloud Train - by Mabel
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 04-13 There's No Koopas in this Motherf- Fortress - by Retro
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 04-14 Blue Sky Palace - by LunarNeedle
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 04-15 A Mushroom Kingdom Ice Volcano - by SlurryMoon
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 04-16 Suddenly and Inadvertently Climb - by Burgers
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-01 A Proud Yoshi in the Castle - by Dog In Da Grass
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-02 Starship Laboratory - by Mikkofier
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-03 The Ghostly Lake - by Philos555
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-04 A Hyrule Desert Mansion - by Code Gorilla
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-05 The Skies Over Scarlet Devil Mansion - by Isocitration
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-06 Little Ruins - by Imaynotbehere4long
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-07 The Disaster Train - by VenomSword
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-08 It's a SMB1 Level, Except Way Nicer - by WestonSmith
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-09 The Fishes of Paradise - by MachineHerald
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-10 A Blue Fortress Level - by Skyluigi2
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-11 Link's Depressing Circus - by GanonTEK
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-12 Bouncing in the Ghostly Volcano - by KingTwelveSixteen
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-13 Castle Bridge Cathedral - by Thetoxicminecrafter1
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-14 Jungle Lava Train - by FluffiMasta
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-15 Too Many Trains in this Motherf- Tunnel - by Blivsey
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-16 Swimming in the Sinking Ocean - by Sniggerb0bble
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 05-17 A Golden Opportunity in a Spacious Dungeon - by Joey
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-01 Calm Starry Hills - by Jappio
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-02 No Forests! - by RedMageMike
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-03 Laboratory - by Phencer42 and Doctor Sponge
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-04 What Blue Box? - by Anshwo
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-05 River Volcano - by Alpacaman
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-06 Hop the Forest - by Adamwcz
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-07 My Own Take on Donut Plains 2 - by M4sterbr0s
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-08 The Right Man Can Make all the Difference - by GalaxyofJ
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-09 Koopa Holiday Paradise - by Fornaxus
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-10 - There's no Lava in the Motherf- Level! by GalaxyofJ
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-11 Ride on the Lava - by Darkonius64
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-12 The Volcanos of Castlevania - by Ltm_Zero
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-13 Yoshi's Island River - by Castlepokemonmetroid
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-14 Sinking Happily - by KuriboDos
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-15 It's a SMB3 Level, Except Way More Fluffy - by Karar
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-16 Run Quickly - by FallingSnow
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-17 It's a SMB2 Level, Except Way More Dead - by Fraxure
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-18 Submarine of the Mushroom Kingdom - by Snifit
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 06-19 Descent of an Aging Link - by PlasmaSnow12
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-01 Mountain - by Litchh
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-02 It's a SMB1 Level, Except way more Epic - by WiiRool
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-03 So Imagine a Yoshi's Island Ocean Cloud - by Dinnersonic
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-04 Holidays in the Land of Hyrule! - by Valtteri
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-05 The Mountains of Stars - by Third Murderer
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-06 Kagome Kagome - by Bossedit8
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-07 Ghost House - by Just_this_guy
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-08 Too Many Toads! - by Raximus
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-09 The 1990's in the Castlevania Universe - by Aterraformer
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-10 Traverse the Graveyard! - by Dragonmaster146
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-11 Valhalla Night - by Shinbison-Kof
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-12 Desert Oasis Fort - by YesleyKing and Dragon Fogel
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-13 I Hate Transforming Water When It's Cold - by Isrieri
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-14 Wait, that's not how it Happened - by Shagg
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-15 A SMB2 Level, Except More Monumental - by Aqualaktiu
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-16 I Don't Like Underwater Laboratory Levels - by Dr. Shemp
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-17 It's a Mario is Missing Level - by swirlybomb
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-18 Mountain of the Damned - by Sedron
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-19 A Calm Stroll - by Mudkip
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-20 Too Many Forts in this Motherf- Fort - by Yogui
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-21 The Toads of Moria - by Cyromundus
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-22 Secret Skies ~ Fluffly Laboratoires - by QuantumPhysics
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-23 Assassinate the Dudes - by Pheonix
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-24 Dreamland's River of the Damned - by Ometeotl
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-25 A Riverside Church in Space - by JosephStaleknight
Zyglrox Odyssey
MaGLX - 07-26 The Mushroom's Kingdom Bluest Pipe - by Roundthewheel
MaGLX - 08-01 Mission: Lumpy Star - by Raocow
MaGLX - 08-02 Yay! I Love it when Everything is so Vertical - by Axon
MaGLX - 08-03 Secret Stars Are Just Like Green Tunnels - by Sturg
MaGLX - 08-04 The Fortress of Trains - by Xirix
MaGLX - 08-05 This is Like raocow's Apocalypse of Foroze LP - by Quill
MaGLX - 08-07 Shaken, Not Stirred - by Unaniem
MaGLX - 08-08 I Hate Jumping When It's Pitiful Outside - by Phoba555
MaGLX - 08-09 I Like My Mysterious Ocean Levels - by Holy
MaGLX - 08-10 Ocean Fish House - by SpoonyBardOL
MaGLX - 09-01 Make a Good Boss Contest - by Septentrion Pleiades
MaGLX - 09-02 The Squid King - by Clemasterable
MaGLX - 10-01 This is Like raocow's MaGLX LP - by 8flight
MaGLX - 10-02 Gloomglow Grotto - by Ignoritus
MaGLX - 10-03 The Plot - by Horikawa Otane
MaGLX - 10-04 We Will Fall Together - by SAJewers
MaGLX - 10-05 The Flux of Life - by limepie20
MaGLX - 10-06 Shifting Sand Land - by Argumentable
MaGLX - 10-07 raocow-naked.zip - by Rena
MaGLX - 10-08 Torrent - by Ryuu
MaGLX - 10-09 Ode to an Old Friend - by BlackDS
This view only considers subcategories that apply to all levels. There are 32 more level-specific subcategories that apply. You can find more information by clicking on a level.
Game stats