Printed cheatsheet to practice ARS before I record my 1st speedrun ever
7 months ago

Hey, so I loved Wonder so much that I decided to practice and eventually record my 1st speedrun ever!

I wanted to show off my $2 printed and plastified cheatsheet hanging from my controller:

Based on this guide for All Royal Seeds by eden8, proprofk, and Cosmic64

I created my own visual version

Added a column for suggested Badges, they mean this: F=float, W=walljump, D=dolphin, C=crouch, S=speed, H=highjump, SJ=sprintjump

(My version might be outdated already, or wrong somewhere, will prob have to reprint it sometime, sharpie will do for any immediate correction)

What do you think? :)

Edited by the author 7 months ago
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100% and All Badges Leaderboard Changes

Hello Wonder runners!

We have just concluded our poll in the SMBW Speedrunning Discord regarding the "All Badges" category, and it has been determined that the category will now be under the 100% subcategory "No Standees." This also means that true 100% runs will be found under "100% - Standees."

5 months ago
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