Tool: Stella Emulator
Stella Emulator
Updated 6 years ago by oORaydenOo

Stella is a multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Stella was originally developed for Linux by Bradford W. Mott, and is currently maintained by Stephen Anthony. Since its original release several people have joined the development team to port Stella to other operating systems such as AcornOS, AmigaOS, DOS, FreeBSD, IRIX, Linux, OS/2, MacOS, Unix, and Windows. The development team is working hard to perfect the emulator and we hope you enjoy our effort. (external link)

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Board Restructure

Hello everyone!

I would like to announce some new leaderboard changes to better suit the updated moderation mechanics on the site:

  1. NTSC and PAL variable options. Run submissions may now toggle game version.
  2. Difficulty Variable. The AA and BB difficulty categories have now been merged
10 months ago
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Posted 6 years ago
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