Any% Route
Any% Route
Updated 4 years ago by avarisclari

Giant Crab

Time start continue selection Grab sword, equip Follow path to first dungeon Left room for key, follow around until first fork, go left. At next fork, go up for safety chest so you can afford the inn Follow bottom path to boss, grab shield after defeated

Raven (Sword and healing items)

Head straight to town and go to the inn Go up, right, up and right, instead of talking to mayor, exit town by passing right in front of kid blocking exit. Head down, down, left, down, left, left, up up to enter first dungeon. Press left switch, go into that room, cut bushes and go up to activate switch Go back around following path to get key Go back to entrance and press right switch Go up and to the left, taking the hit from the two arrow traps (eat apple to heal) Open the door and follow the path to the stairs, going up Follow the path down, go down at the fork and activate left switch Go to right path activate switch Go back, up and around to top right path and activate final switch Go left and up, cross the bridge and go upstairs Grab chest if you have less than 80g Go down, cross the bridge and up to top path Go up to fight Raven, defeat and go right to get Seal

Doom Golem (Pickaxe, Shield and Lantern)

Return to town, go up one screen and talk to Mayor twice Go back down and exit to the right. Go all the way right to a house Go to the right half and take the sword course Take out the first target and go down to the left avoiding the trap Stand slightly above the blocked off target and swing to hit it, take out the other target on same screen Go right twice Take out both targets Take the right path up Take out the target, getting first trap hit Go left and take out target geting hit again Go down and take out final target Exit the house and go left and up twice Enter the building, talk to man at counter to get pickaxe Go upstairs, open all 3 chests for apples and the lantern Equip lantern and pickaxe, exit building Go left and up Use pickaxe to break rocks and enter dungeon Take right path all the way around to switch, activate Return to entrance and take left path until fork, go right and open chest for key 1 Go back and take left path. Defeat bats to get a chest with second key Go back to fork and go up through locked door Go to right and push rock onto switch opening blocked path Go left and push boulder onto switch to open door Go up and downstairs Go down, right and take upper path, taking the left to hit a switch Go back around to locked door and go through, taking lower path Defeat enemies to open the door and go up to activate second switch Go back around top path and to the right this time Go down, activate 4 switches and open chest to get key Go up and right. Clear out rocks and push boulders on all switches Go back left and up to the stairs, going downstairs Follow path to large room, then go up twice. Activate left and middle switch Go down three times and to the left Go down left path, break the rock, go up and open chest to get key Go back and down through locked door and downstairs Equip shield and pickaxe Follow path to boss (best strat I've found so far is stand to the right and attack from a defensive position) Get the seal and exit

Frogger (Sword and Crossbow)

Go back to town and stay at the Inn Go up, right, and follow the path going up Keep heading up until you reach mayor at lighthouse, talk to him Return to town and take second left. Stop in the store with a weapons sign and buy healing items if necessary, if not, go left and exit town to the left Go up, up, left, left, up, up, left, take the left path down, go left and up, entering dungeon Go left and activate the switch Go up, right, up, and left at the fork Take the upper path, defeating all enemies along the path, then go back around to the bottom path to get the chest and the first key Go back to the fork and up twice, opening the door Go to the right and down to activate the switch Go back to the fork and to the right Go up and right, defeat the enemies to open doors Go up, left and up. Activate the switch Go back to the fork and take the upper path, then head right to get the chest Use the key to open the door and go downstairs Go down twice, take the right path up, go right and defeat the slimes to open door Go down and get the key Go back up and left, go down and through the locked door Go right twice, up twice and right. Go down to the chest to get the key Go back down the path you came from to the locked door and go through Follow the path over to the stairs and go downstairs Go left twice and down, defeat all enemies to get safety heart (skippable if confident) Go up, right, up twice and defeat all enemies to get final key Go down and left twice to first switch, then go right and down to second switch opening boss door Use crossbow to attack frog, sword to take out slimes Grab seal

SNEK (Sword or Crossbow)

Exit swamp Go all the way left and down to enter the desert Go right,down, down,take the bottom path, down, right, right and up to enter dungeon This dungeon is straight forward, just follow all the paths and activate all 4 switches to open boss chamber Defeat boss and get seal

Spoopy (Sword, Crossbow, Lantern, Shield)

Return to town and mayor will take you straight to lighthouse Go up and take the top right path Defeat the enemies to open the doors Take the top right path to get a key Go down and take the upper left path to the door Go through upstairs Go down and left. Activate both switches to open the right door. Go right twice and down twice. Drop through the hole and defeat the enemies to open doors Go through the upper door and to the right. Go downstairs Follow the path and go up twice Go to the right and activate the switch in the room Go left and up, carefully following the spike path At the end of the path, go up and activate the switch, then down and left to activate the second switch in the room Return to the pike path and go up taking the formerly blocked path Activate the final switch, then take the lower left path to the door Go left, right, down, and take the stairs Go up and left to the next set of stairs Go up, get locked in, and go left to the first switch Go up from there to switch 2 Go right and switch 3 is directly above you Go down and turn to the left to go around the hole for the final switch Go down and left towards the first switch and go through the door in the left of the room to get a key Return to the stairs Take the upper path to a hole and drop through Go up, ignoring the switch Follow the path until you come to the locked room, activate the lower switch Go to the right twice and follow the path back upstairs Go left, down, left, take the left upper path up three times to the stairs Go down, right, down and go through the locked door Activate the switch on the far wall Go left, down, left and through the door at the bottom Activate the switch in the room Go up, right, up, up, left and down through the door Activate the switch and go back where we came from, taking the upper left door to the stairs Upstairs go left, down, right, right, up, left and upstairs Go left, down and go all the way to the bottom of the room Drop down the hole and activate the switch Drop down again Take the right path down Activate the left switch Go right and up, going back upstairs Go left and down twice Go upstairs and follow the path Go upstairs one more time and prep for a tough fight Defeat the ghost (shoot with bow, use lantern and sword to find off spirits)


Go down 8 times, left twice, down twice, right, down twice, right twice, down onto the dock. Talk to the captain Time when fades to black for credits

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