Normal Mode vs Advanced Mode
Normal Mode vs Advanced Mode
Updated 3 years ago by Nordanix

This guide is meant to try and show the difference introduce into the Advanced Mode. Feel free to message me if you have anything else to add to the guide!

[section=Revamp Of Enemies & Colors]

  • Mosts sprites in the game have way different colors, not just limited to enemies as even ground color is sometimes changed.
  • Harder and higher level enemies
  • Selection of enemies are more varied and late game enemies in Normal Mode start to appear already in the first area

You can find a detailed list of stats and colors here:

[section=Boss Fights Are Faster] I think the only thing that is different (outside the obvious colors and damage, hp, etc) is that the movement on certain phases are way faster. Most notably the Ball Phases on the 1st and 2nd boss:

[section=No Kagemaru (Ninja)] As it turns out, our friendly neighbourhood ninja is no longer here. So sadly no more free items.

[section=Shops Won't Upgrade Their Stocks] It turns out that after Area 7 in Normal Mode the shops are already maxed out with what they will sell you. And so it continues into Advanced Mode and stays that way with those maxed out stocks. Therefore you must farm your gear from various Areas in the game in order to gear up.

Game stats