Africa: Countries in 1m 05s by

Here's the story of Rhodesia A land both fair and great On the Eleventh of November An Independent State This was much against the wishes Of certain governments Whose leaders tried to break us down And make us all repent

But we're all Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin We'll keep our land a free land from the enemy coming in We'll keep them north of the Zambesi, till that river's running dry And this mighty land will prosper, for Rhodesians never die

They can send their men to murder They can shout their words of hate But the cost of keeping this land free Can never be too great Cause' our men and boys are fighting For the things that they hold dear And this land and all its people Will never disappear

Cause' we're all Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin We'll keep our land a free land from the enemy coming in We'll keep them north of the Zambesi, till that river's running dry And this mighty land will prosper, for Rhodesians never die

We'll preserve this little nation For Our Children's children too Once you're a Rhodesian No other land will do We will stand tall in the sunshine With the truth upon our sides And if we have to go alone We'll go alone with pride

Cause' we're all Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin We'll keep our land a free land from the enemy comin' in We'll keep them north of the Zambesi, till that river's running dry And this mighty land will prosper, for Rhodesians never die

Cause 'we're all Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin We'll keep our land a free land from the enemy coming in We'll keep them north of the Zambesi, till that river's runnin' dry And this mighty land will prosper, for Rhodesians never die

Africa: Countries
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1m 05s
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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