a mobile game that ports red ball 3 and the red ball4 volumes
3 years ago

this red ball game ports red ball 3 and the red ball 4 flash volumes. this port has physics similar to the red ball 3 and red ball 4 flash volumes (although you cant pause jump in the red ball 3 port sadly) and you can do the boss roll in there (some of the textures in the port change some color like the boxes from red ball 4 flash volumes). is this even allowed to be in the leaderboards of red ball 4 volumes or is it not? Here's the link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/b-redball/id1185802000

Edited by the author 3 years ago

My guess is probably not. They have ported other flash games. The Super Stacker games, Infinity Inc, Bloxorz, and Wake the Royalty just to name a few. I don't think that ANY of the mobile flash game ports are official, especially considering the colour changes.

I am not against these leaderboards being created, but if it were to be created, I would strongly disagree with speedrun.com. A Google Sheets leaderboard would be my recommendation.

New York, USA

i know this forum is dead and all but, you can pj in the unofficial rb3 mobile port

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