New Movie: JIGSAW / SAW 8
6 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

In case you didn't know, a new SAW film is coming this year. But a new director is directing this movie. And he named the film JIGSAW, rather than SAW 8. But most people just like to call it SAW 8. There is an awesome trailer in YouTube you can check out right now!

Oh, and the movie is releasing in a month!

Edited by the author 6 years ago
BOZAK_115 likes this

why thank you SpiderSponge, though i have only seen Saw (2004) and Saw 2 (2005) which i have seen both over 70 times. gonna be running saw again, i just keep getting bad rng and terrible skip glitches. i've done this game so many times so it's hard for me to get a PB now

BOZAK_115 likes this
Victoria, Australia

The later movies are a bit different to number 1. They reflect more of number 2, with a main storyline and cops chasing after that. They have pointless shock traps for no apparent reason. They are really good though, I do recommend a watch.

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