Any% text guide
Any% text guide
Updated 4 years ago by YonduPoppinsYall

Timer doesnt start until the opening credits end and the elevator starts to fade in Leave elevator, follow wall along the way to first ring follow wall to just a step outside of entry door and turn around follow back to bell for second ring follow wall to the corner before the entrance hallway follow wall back towards bell for 4th ring turn around and follow back to lights out

After blackout, follow wall to bell and obtain office key open office, turn around and follow back to bell ring #5 wait at kitchen door for marcy ring #6 follow wall towards den turn around when kitchen open enter kitchen get bobby pin take bobby pin to dresser and get screwdriver ring #7 loop around once and go upstairs enter room on left and watch security footage after, grab the string from the mannequin then Grab ladder, head back down den get hook Go to the bathroom and use screwdriver, hook, and string to get gold key use gold key to enter bedroom, go just to the bathroom entrance and proceed to ring #8 go to ring #8, return to bedroom, go to bathroom, open curtain, leave to trigger next section

Wake up, pick up old key go to bell hall, and go down to basement grab hex key and open breaker, toggle switch to turn lights on move to back of basement to get axe, then go all the way upstairs to open boarded door Go into boarded room, go to the back left corner and face marcy, wait 47 seconds for her to move to corner, and another 30 to press E and have her attack.

once the reversal has happened, ring the bell and last split after when you footsteps end as you leave the room