Manual Verification & Split Times
Manual Verification & Split Times
Updated 3 years ago by Nikoheart

"BEST BROUGHT INTO VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE FOR MANUAL VERIFICATION" If you do not any video editing software, consult a moderator to assist you with the manual verification.

For final time verification, the start/end points are as follows: Start Frame (UPDATED) The time of the run starts at the first point of opacity just before the sound of the elevator coming in

End Frame The moment the opacity reaches complete zero (the final footsteps will still continue) "This is where you'll need video editing software to enhance the brightness to clearly see the zero opacity change" (15:14.03) (15:14.04) < Final Time.

The Split times are a follows Blackout 1 As soon as the light falls down and the first frame the screen goes black

Blackout 2 As soon as Marcy comes at you, and the first frame the screen goes black