Sonic 3 Complete
6 years ago
United States

If someone did a speedrun of Sonic 3 Complete(A romhack of Sonic 3 & knuckles)would it still count as a speedrun for Sonic 3 & Knuckles? In the romhack you can skip cutscenes & transform from your super state back to your base form,but lets say the runner didn't do either of those things,and played as if it were the original S3&K,would it count as a legitimte run for S3&K or not?

For those who may say"If you're gonna play it that way,just play the original",Sonic 3 Complete has this feature where when you turn into your super form,instead of having the invisibility theme play;it plays a speed up version of the stage music;it's one of the main reasons why I prefer it over the original version.

Jaypin88 likes this
New York, USA

No, it would not be acceptable for this board to have a Sonic 3 Complete run on here. However, it may be possible to get that game added to the Sonic Fan Games section

OmegaBlacky and Jaypin88 like this

No, playing a ROMhack does not count as playing the original.

OmegaBlacky and Jaypin88 like this
United States

Thank you for the responses,I'll see if I can get it added to the Sonic fan games section.

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Steam Submissions Now Banned

As of today, any new submissions of S3K from the Steam version will no longer be allowed. This is due to a couple of factors but mostly being inhibited availability as SEGA delisted it when releasing Origins. Any existing runs will remain unaffected.

26 days ago