i so crazy
9 months ago
CearĂ¡, Brazil

context: S3K WRONG WARP i seen eandis video and... didn't stop scream (not literally lol) idk if this fake or real but i want answer.

ok, bye!

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

It's real, they find out a Wrong Warp in the game, there's a run made by SuperSonic where he examples the glitch and showcases it during a run, I recommend to check it out

CearĂ¡, Brazil

a doubt, if i catch a checkpoint or i drown too early in hydro 1, after reset i had to do all setup again ?

Edited by the author 9 months ago
United States

Yeah, unfortunately you do.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
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Steam Submissions Now Banned

As of today, any new submissions of S3K from the Steam version will no longer be allowed. This is due to a couple of factors but mostly being inhibited availability as SEGA delisted it when releasing Origins. Any existing runs will remain unaffected.

10 months ago
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