So... DA Garden mod category for the extensions WHEN?
3 years ago
Florida, USA

Because Hidden Wizard got a WR time on Knuckles' route for Sonic 3 AIR DA Garden. Link here:

(He's still live and doing the Amy Spotlight Challenge, so wish him good luck!)


It's hard to say when. This mod changes A LOT THE NORMAL GAME, the new levels layout, even for special stages, makes Sonic 3 a new experience. And now, with the update for Knuckles, is basically a new game. This will take some time, so please, be patient

Zanon likes this
United Kingdom

Yup, as Nacho has said, we're very aware of the D.A. Garden mod and the appeal of it, and are discussing options of how we might allow for a leaderboard.

It will take some time so please do be patient and we'll announce anything we decide in the Discord.

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