Everdrive 64
2 years ago
Oregon, USA

Hello everyone! While I'm sure this has been asked numerous times, what is the logic for banning Everdrives? While I can understand hiding emulator runs for the sanctity of hardware load times, it seems like a backwards mentality to ban a ROM that runs on the N64 systems hardware legitimately?

It just seems like an additional hoop to jump through when wanting to play this game while I have original hardware with the original game ROM.

The only way to get a visible leaderboard time is to pay an obscene amount of money for one very specific cartridge with a label, rather than use my Everdrive64 X7.. which includes 100% of the same components and data as the original cartridge ??

Oregon, USA

Okay.. after more investigation, maybe not an obscene amount of money for a cart, but I guess that doesn't change the nature of the question

Thank you for your replies!

Oregon, USA

So, as much as I appreciate your elaborate insight, that doesn't really address the question.

DynastyDN likes this
United States

I'm currently in Japan with access to the Japanese cartridges and have a few of the English versions if you're interested.

quetzington likes this
Oregon, USA

100%! If you use Discord, I'd love to chat! Thank you :)