Reverse track ILs
6 years ago

Maybe we could add ILs for track in reverse ? The strategies and gameplay change slightly between the two, as "long straigt, curve, short straight" is not symmetrical, for example.

However, adding it for all difficulties would create an enormous amount of ILs.

And tbh, I don't like having categories nobody run, wants to run, which don't add anything, and seems to be just here waiting for some stupid kid to claim a bunch of "WR".

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Tasmania, Australia

I like the idea of reverse. But we only need reverse for supertux mode.

Raising the barrier-to-entry is something i strongly oppose. Stupid kids should be encouraged to post unchallenged WR's. It means that there will be more like-minded individuals in our community. More STK videos on youtube will encourage even more friends to the party.

I can't figure out how to make subcategories for IL's. Maybe the default IL list should show only the most recent versions supertux times, and everything else in tabs? I think Alayan already suggested something like that. Even if we have all supertux times across versions in the primary list, eventually there will be a horizontal scrollbar there too.

It's just not fair that the best times get so drowned out by blank spaces and lesser categories.

There is a compromise between honoring skill and promoting inclusivity, I can't exactly think of what it is.

I have no opinion on old levels, someone else should give theirs and we can decide.

I do have an opinion about donation exclusive levels. They should always be in the list. Donations to an open source community project can almost never be a bad thing. That should be strongly encouraged.

I'll probably finish up the intermediate and expert% times on Ravenbridge to try and remind people it exists, but I'm leaving supertux% for a new runner. A new donating runner. That's 2 good things in one package. After a new runner puts something up I'll try to beat it at that difficulty. Having a temporary uncontested WR could be another donation exclusive perk, hahaha.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Alayan likes this

To clarify my point about the "stupid kid" : there is 25 ILs per difficulty per version. If we add reverse ILs, that could be 200 ILs per version.

That's enormous, and who's going to submit for all that ?

If some new runner were to come tomorrow and to submit a WR for the At World's end GP in SuperTux, I'd say why not ? That'd be good to have a new runner, even if not very skilled, and as the category he's submitting for is legitimately interesting, it would be up to other runners to beat his time if they think they can do better.

Now, have some new runner come and post times for the 75 or so expert/intermediate/novice ILs which currently don't have a time. They would be WR by default, as they would be uncontested. Now, would that mean that this runner is the best STK's IL player ? You could think so by looking at the leaderboard, you wouldn't see there is no competition at all for those ILs

And if those are crappy times, should I take a day to record 75 videos and to submit them to knock him off the first place ? And should then other skilled runners try to knock me off on them ? That's not a reasonable expectation. We can't seriously compete on 200 ILs per version.

I'd just have have the levels without the difficulty specified : all allowed. If someone does beat the SuperTux WR on Expert, then certainly this is a superior performance which would deserve first place on the leaderboard. Of course, in practice, you'd have SuperTux score pretty much anywhere (is there any situation where it can be slower ?), but the point is that you'd have 4 times less categories.

If you look at other kart's racing game leaderboard, you'll see that they didn't bother to divide by difficulty, as they had way enough categories without that. For example : Even MK8, which does divide between 150cc and 200cc due to the Deluxe version, didn't bother to add 50cc and 100cc leaderboard as they'd be completely irrelevant, see :

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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