4 years ago
West Virginia, USA

I had a run that i streamed live but at the end I realized that variant mode was on but no settings were turned on. Would the run still be submittable or no?


Having variant mode turned on, even if you dont use its features, is banned.

Imaproshaman, 1, and OddBod like this
Maryland, USA

Can confirm, same thing happened to me and my run got rejected

Imaproshaman and 1 like this
Colorado, USA

It's literally the 2nd game rule, right after the first rule stating that IGT is used instead of RTA.

Imaproshaman, 1 and 2 others like this
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Everest Core Update

Everest had one of the biggest updates so far with Everest Core becoming the "Stable" version. Here is what you need to know as a player and what rule changes are happening:

To put it in layman's terms, they're updating the game to use a newer framework. Which

5 months ago
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