Is no one gonna verify my speed run? It’s been nearly 4 weeks:/
5 years ago
South Australia, Australia

I uploaded two speed runs nearly 4 weeks ago and they haven’t been verified. And people just got theirs verified a couple days ago?

United States

their runs were likely older than yours

the mods, contrary to popular belief, do have lives, so they don't spend too much time confirming runs. The run queue has also been having problems lately.

United States

cool, go talk to the mods about that

also @ThatAverageGamer go to your profile and check your pending actions, lately runs have been getting deleted right after they're submitted for verification. I haven't been able to submit my latest run because of this.

Maine, USA

can we add new mods then?

Minnesota, USA

@Whatinator The runs aren't deleted. They are just not appearing in the pending actions because of a glitch. The run itself has been summited and is complete fine

MinecraftGaming likes this
United States


also the mods are probably willing to talk to anyone about what's up with run verification

South Australia, Australia

Aight seriously can someone tell me how to get in contact with mods? They literally are verifying 1 freaking speed run a week. I tried twitter but they don’t respond

Edited by the author 5 years ago
South Australia, Australia

Forgot that’s a thing thanks

She/Her, It/Its
5 years ago



It would depend on the category for how long it takes to verify the run.

Obviously, shorter the category = less time needed to verify said run.

Plus we don't know how many runs need verification, nor do we know how many runs get requested for verification each day.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
South Australia, Australia

I dont wanna be back here but I sorta have to. Is it like not okay to verify speedruns in the zombie%? Like @Hirassy has had SOOOO many verified in the past week along with may other and I well and truly don't think it's takes 6 FREAKING WEEKS to get it verified

Hirassy likes this

I did IL runs, those are very easy to verify. But you're right, 6 weeks is too long for any run.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Colorado, USA

Yeah, I'm gonna apologize on behalf of the mod team here. I agree, waiting weeks upon weeks to get a run verified is ludicrous, and I can understand any, and all frustration.

Only being added as a mod like 2 days ago, I may be in the wrong to say this, but nevertheless, we do have lives that we need to live.

To finalize, I really don't have much of a life, so I'll try to verify all the runs that I can today, and into tomorrow. Most to all runs should be verified in the next 2 days.

Sorry for any, and all, inconvenience .

Ivory and Hirassy like this
United Kingdom

tl;dr - no, zombie% sucks

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new game update 10/22/22

game update!!! load times are gone. yippee!! so a lot of runs will get faster and stuff

also, the in game time setting will (probably) be removed from the time settings thing because we dont use it and its a huge inconvenience for mods happy update !

1 year ago