The Mimic Moderators Please Watch This Video!
1 year ago

Just a heads up, the entire sprint bar needs to be shown at all times otherwise your run will be rejected. You may not have manipulated sprint at all but part of the bar was not shown meaning we cannot prove that you didn't foxtrot at some point throughout the entire run.

Indiana, USA

It is for foxtrotting like barh said here. Fortunately or unfortunately, foxtrotting will be patched, so we won't have to look for that. But, we do still have to look for any sort of spicing, and the sprint bar can be an indication of that.

Edited by vlampv 1 year ago

i see that you're innocent but it's in the rules. im sorry but we will need to be forced to reject the run if the entire sprint bar isn't shown. we're not saying you're cheating if it's covered, we just do this to make sure a run is 100% legitimate.