Dakiteh's Any% notes, WIP
Dakiteh's Any% notes, WIP
Updated 5 years ago by Dakitteh


Pappy battle1:get a frog in one battle2: use spider web to bounce on dark green hill batle3:can AIM for a frog in one, you are unlikely to make it though

Princess Tippi battle4: can arch the shot over for the 100 bubble over the snow guy

Sir Waddlelot: There's a frog in 1 on 2 I think.(probably not)(but maybe on 1 if you battle2: needs optimization

Pan-pan2 battle 2: eat a PF and curve the shot for a frog in one ¤bathroom break during the cutscene¤ ¤save after the cutscene¤

Lunk2 battle1: go for a small web to the right, arch the shot and aim for the very left of it battle2: curve around to the right to bounce on the spiderweb on the right near water battle3: use a PF, aim for the nest battle4:eat a PF and use frocket for a frog in one (backup if lagging on points)

ppp battle1: eat a pink power up and use ice, get a 100 bubble in the lava battle2: could use instruction battle4: use a PF (maybe) then bounce and aim for the worm by the goal

Sparky and Whoosh battle1: hit the ice pillar with a +50 above it battle2: use a PF and curve to the right on the ice before the hole for a frog in one battle3: aim straight for a +50 (if it's there)^ on the ice and onto the moving thingy battle4: cry if behind

Kosmo battle1: use PF and curve to the right into the water near the goal battle2:rocket and PF into goal(very difficult)(optional) battle3:use a PF if you must to aim for the floating spider web use a second PF from there if you must to make it into the goal battle 4: aim for the yellow face platform

Princess Tippi 2:(change frog) battle4:can use PF and froket for a frog in one

Sir waddlelot 2 battle 1: arch onto the mamoth to get over the ledge. battle2:curve to make it onto the center platform battle3:eat a PF and curve to the left around the hill. battle4: curve around to the right to land on the moving strip

Sparky and Whoosh 2 battle1: use a PF and a UFO/Frocket, curve all the way to the left battle2: land on a stone in the lava, jump into 100 bubble and swim to a mushroom, then use a pink power up to hop to the goal./?/ battle3: PF and rocket powerup Kosmo 2 Clock powerup battle1:(change frog) bounce off spider web onto belt then a +140 points, eat a PF and aim for the web near the goal, arc the next shot battle2: PF and tighten the arc, aim for the bottom red line of the web, Use clock power up too! battle3:go straight battle4: PF and froket to frog-in-one (THE BAR GOES VERY FAST)(BACKUP STRAT)

Gumbah-Goo 2 clocks, 2-3 PF and or rockets battle1: aim slightly to the right and curve the arc down a little, aim at the very right of the spider web that is close to you swim onto another one and bounce onto a 100 bubble

battle2: eat a PF up and hit a 50 bubble get closer to the hole, pick up one or 2 50 bubbles on the way there

battle3: eat a PF and aim for the eye symbol with a 100 bubble curve the second shot to the right and get it in the hole! use clock power up if you need to

battle4: use a PF and get a tight arc to a higher platform aim down and to the left and land on the yellow face platform get it in the hole! Use a time powerup if you need to or just tighten the arc