O.D.W.'s Routing Work
5 years ago
United States

Hey there! After at least trying out my route with Rune Factory 1, I've been looking into putting one together for RF2 as well. (I'll be back to the first one soon, don't worry!)

I've managed to find a semi-reliable way to clear the first generation portion of the game in what I estimate to be somewhat less than three hours, and I've managed to work in most of the requirements early for the second generation. Now that I'm there, progress has slowed down exponentially.

I've tried to route a way that doesn't need to expand or ever enter the school, but I'm running into quite a wall trying to manage by just using store-bought weaponry and the minimum level tools. The route so far is glitchless (given that I don't know of any for this game,) but it makes significant use of exploits. I think the minimum time the game can be run in is going to be somewhere between six to seven hours at full capacity.

I currently have a rough, unrefined guide made that covers a large portion of 1st gen and at least the base information for the 2nd, and I'll put it up if anyone's interested in seeing it or helping to work on it. (I can also make some early videos of the run if anyone would like to see those as well.) I'd love to hear any suggestions you might have!

Edited by the author 5 years ago
enu likes this
United States

I'm still here! I haven't released an update here in a while, but I've been busy with both RF1 and other life things. If anyone has been interested in running this game, I did do a casual speedrun stream of it recently, intending to cover just the first generation. It was past midnight, (the only I time I can stream,) so I rambled quite a bit and made some mistakes in executing my routing...but at least I showed off some of it.

The route's still stuck in 2nd gen, mostly with me realizing that I will have to build the workshop, but I've started to work up some reliable tactics. There's just a whole lot to juggle in a short time compared to the earlier part of the routing.

I will put up the stream on my Youtube and I may do it again sometime soon, so if you're interested in any part of it, drop on by sometime!

Ameagarain and enu like this
United States

Whoa, it's been nearly a month since I posted any progress!

Unfortunately, I don't really have much to show. Echoing what I said on the other thread, my time is rather filled as of the moment, and it will be a while before I have enough time to get back to running and routing. When I find the time, I'll see if I can write up a few needed changes to my guide and I'll go ahead and post it as a guide for completing first gen as quick as possible.

I'll also try to get that stream up sometime (for real this time), there's not much in it aside from me rambling and disorganized demonstrations, but what do you expect from a person on their first stream? (I'm not that entertaining of a guy anyhow!)

Until then!

United States

Hey, look at old me! So much more useful, so much less meme. What a nerd.

Anyways, it took me two years to upload it, but here's all the info for my routing I had done. I figure just handing this out is better than it sitting around and doing nothing.


It encompasses getting past the 1st generation as quickly as possible on any version of the game (no JP exclusive stuff here) and being fully prepared for what the 2nd generation throws at you.

(It's not in the guides section because the site won't let me add it there.)

If it ends up useful at all, then feel free to tell me- I appreciate knowing that it helped.

EDIT: Look below for the newer guide. It's still in progress, but it's better structured as a guide than this mess of routing notes.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Demo and Ameagarain like this
United States

Due to some recent interest, I've gone back to RF2 and have been working on fixing my work for this up some. The guide's a lot cleaner and is focused on Yue, although information for the bachelorettes still remains at the end. I don't have all the time in the world to work on it, but I'm slowly getting there.

The most important change so far is far more detailed information regarding how FP/LP gain actually works in this game, and the answer is "quite a lot different from all of the other games."

This version of the guide is a separate file, so here's the new link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eg89yW_E04RES5O7PqKm4BYs9Qf_Icr9dmaJZ7Zq9Oc/edit?usp=sharing

United States

Slightly updated, another different file this time but that's just because Google is bad at converting from OpenDocument files.



Edited by the author 2 years ago
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