As there's a text limit on run descriptions, I'll be putting this here.
Runs qualifying for 4th place or higher and run on emulation have to be retimed in order to be fair to hardware runners, while not excluding people from using emulation.
DeSmuME on average loads 0.6 seconds faster than hardware. MelonDS on average loads 0.15 seconds faster than hardware.
This can change due to the power of the machine running the emulator, so for now, retiming is a very slow process.
The following is a place for the moderators to show all the retiming work done on emulator runs.
Hikarutetrio, March 08, 2022:
Timing Notes: My run: 30fps video Enu's: 60fps Hikaru's: 52.314fps (possibly from inconsistent stream bitrate)
My run is used for some timings due to route differences.
New File to Intro (timed from first frame "replacing save" prompt appears to first frame before intro text appears.)
H: 1.067 ENU: 2.117 diff: 1.05
(Normal load screens- first frame GUI disappears to first frame Raguna renders in, unless specified otherwise.)
Mist House to Farm: H: 0.933 ENU: 1.833 diff: 0.9
Farm to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.116 diff: 0.483
Kardia 1 to Clinic: H: 0.650 Enu: 1.217 diff: 0.567
Clinic to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.117 diff: 0.484
Kardia 1 to Kardia 2: H: 0.650 E: 1.066 diff: 0.416
Kardia 2 to Kardia 3: H: 0.633 E: 1.066 diff: 0.433
Kardia 3 to Kardia 2: H: 0.600 E: 1.067 diff: 0.467
Kardia 2 to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.050 diff: 0.417
Kardia 1 to Farm: H: 0.783 E: 1.550 diff: 0.767
Farm to House: H: 0.650 E: 1.150 diff: 0.5
Pass out to Clinic: (timed from the frame the grass disappears to first frame of the text box appearing) H: 6.483 E: 7.500 diff: 1.017
Clinic to Kardia 1: H: 0.660 E: 1.100 diff: 0.44
Kardia 1 to Clinic: H: 0.684 E: 1.216 diff: 0.532
Clinic to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.100 diff: 0.467
Kardia 1 to Library: H: 0.650 ODW: 1.233 (Enu's route doesn't go here) diff: 0.583
Library to Kardia 1: H: 0.616 ODW: 1.067 diff: 0.451
Kardia 1 to Smithy: H: 0.65 E: 1.167 diff. 0.517
Smithy warp to House: H: 3.666 ODW: 4.467 diff: 0.801
Farm to house post warp (first frame Raguna turns around to first frame renders): H: 0.75 (first try) ODW: 1.267 diff: 0.517
House to farm: H: 1.1 ODW: 1.6 diff: 0.5
Farm to outside toros cave: H: 0.667 ODW: 1.433 Enu: 1.45 diff: 0.783
Outside toros to lake: H: 0.684 ODW: 1.300 Enu: 1.317 diff: 0.633
Lake to forking cave: H: 0.650 Enu: 1.016 diff: 0.366
Forking cave to Greed: (last frame of dialogue box to first re-render of Raguna) H: 0.75 Enu: 1.534 diff: 0.784
Greed entrance to Greed 1: H: 0.733 Enu: 1.317 diff: 0.584
Greed 1 to Greed 2: H: 0.717 Enu: 1.350 diff: 0.633
Greed 2 to Greed 3: H: 0.7 Enu: 1.383 diff: 0.683
Greed 3 to Greed 4: H: 0.733 Enu: 1.383 diff: 0.65
Greed 4 to Greed End: H: 0.651 Enu: 1.150 diff: 0.499
Greed End to Grimoire Arena: (last frame of dialogue to first frame of GUI) H: 1.316 Enu: 2.233 diff: 0.917
Grimoire Arena to house front: H: 1.933 Enu: 3.217 diff: 1.284
House to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.067 diff: 0.434
Kardia 1 to Kardia 2: H: 0.634 Enu: 1.067 diff: 0.433
Kardia 2 to Kardia 3: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.117 diff: 0.484
Kardia 3 to Farm Teleport: (first frame of arms down, to first frame of top screen fade showing) H: 3.667 ODW: 4.434 (Enu has to walk) diff: 0.767
Farm to Outside Toros: H: 0.683 Enu: 1.366 diff: 0.683
Outside Toros to Misty Bloom: H: 0.650 Enu: 1.25 diff: 0.6
Misty Bloom to Sechs Border: H: 0.7 Enu: 1.5 diff: 0.8
Total Load Time Difference: 23.276
Unadjusted Time: 19:50.633 (first frame of selecting save slot to firs frame of loss of control)
Final Adjusted Time: 20:13.909
Hikaru2 vs. Enu timing adjust: 5/17/2022 --30FPS--
Load 1- New file to intro (timed from first frame "replacing save" prompt appears to first frame before intro text appears.)
H: 1.034 ENU: 2.117 diff: 1.083
(Normal load screens- first frame GUI disappears to first frame Raguna renders in)
Mist House to Farm: H: 0.966 ENU: 1.833 diff: 0.867
Farm to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.116 diff: 0.483
Kardia 1 to Clinic: H: 0.667 Enu: 1.217 diff: 0.555
Clinic to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.117 diff: 0.484
Kardia 1 to Kardia 2: H: 0.666 E: 1.066 diff: 0.400
Kardia 2 to Kardia 3: H: 0.633 E: 1.066 diff: 0.433
Kardia 3 to Kardia 2: H: 0.634 E: 1.067 diff: 0.433
Kardia 2 to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.050 diff: 0.417
Kardia 1 to Farm: H: 0.766 E: 1.550 diff: 0.784
Farm to House: H: 0.633 E: 1.150 diff: 0.517
Pass out to Clinic: (timed from the frame the grass disappears to first frame of the text box appearing) H: 6.467 E: 7.500 diff: 1.033
Clinic to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.100 diff: 0.467
Kardia 1 to Clinic: H: 0.666 E: 1.216 diff: 0.550
Clinic to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.100 diff: 0.467
Kardia 1 to Library: H: 0.633 ODW: 1.233 (Enu's route doesn't go here) diff: 0.600
8.473 total so far
still a faster segment than my run at this point
Library to Kardia 1: H: 0.634 ODW: 1.067 diff: 0.433
Kardia 1 to Smithy: H: 0.666 E: 1.167 diff. 0.500
Smithy warp to House: (First frame white shows from top to first frame Raguna fully on ground) H: 3.567 ODW: 4.367 diff: 0.800
Farm to house post warp (first frame Raguna turns around to first frame renders): H: 0.767 (first try) ODW: 1.267 diff: 0.500
House to farm: H: 0.8 ODW: 1.6 diff: 0.6
Farm to outside toros cave: H: 0.700 ODW: 1.433 Enu: 1.45 diff: 0.733
Outside toros to lake: H: 0.833 ODW: 1.300 Enu: 1.317 diff: 0.467
Lake to forking cave: H: 0.667 Enu: 1.016 diff: 0.350
Forking cave to Greed: (last frame of dialogue box to first re-render of Raguna) H: 0.733 Enu: 1.534 diff: 0.801
Greed entrance to Greed 1: H: 0.700 Enu: 1.317 diff: 0.584
Greed 1 to Greed 2: H: 0.734 Enu: 1.350 diff: 0.616
Greed 2 to Greed 3: H: 0.733 Enu: 1.383 diff: 0.650
Greed 3 to Greed 4: H: 0.700 Enu: 1.383 diff: 0.688
Greed 4 to Greed End: H: 0.667 Enu: 1.150 diff: 0.483
Greed End to Grimoire Arena: (last frame of dialogue to first frame of GUI) H: 1.334 Enu: 2.233 diff: 0.900
Grimoire Arena to house front: (last of dialogue to first of dialogue) H: 1.966 ODW: 3.267 diff: 1.301
House to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.067 diff: 0.434
Kardia 1 to Kardia 2: H: 0.667 Enu: 1.067 diff: 0.400
Kardia 2 to Kardia 3: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.117 diff: 0.484
Kardia 3 to Farm Teleport: (first frame of arms down, to first frame of top screen fade showing) H: 3.634 ODW: 4.434 (Enu has to walk) diff: 0.800
Farm to Outside Toros: H: 0.700 Enu: 1.366 diff: 0.666
Outside Toros to Misty Bloom: H: 0.634 Enu: 1.25 diff: 0.616
Misty Bloom to Sechs Border: H: 0.7 Enu: 1.5 diff: 0.8
Total Load Time Difference: 23.095 (Last run: 23.276)
Loss of Control: 19:43:42
Final Time: 20:06:515
Hikaru 3 vs. Enu timing adjust
(30FPS video of a 60FPS game can take either 1 of 2 frames, this makes for an uncountable loss of .016 seconds that can occur in most loading screens.)
Load 1- New file to intro (timed from first frame "replacing save" prompt appears to first frame before intro text appears.)
H: 1.101 ENU: 2.117 ODW: 2.133 diff: 1.016
(Normal load screens- first frame GUI disappears to first frame Raguna renders in)
Mist House to Farm: H: 0.966 ENU: 1.833 diff: 0.867
Farm to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.116 diff: 0.483
Kardia 1 to Clinic: H: 0.667 Enu: 1.217 diff: 0.555
Clinic to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.117 diff: 0.484
Kardia 1 to Kardia 2: H: 0.633 E: 1.066 diff: 0.433
Kardia 2 to Kardia 3: H: 0.633 E: 1.066 diff: 0.433
Kardia 3 to Kardia 2: H: 0.634 E: 1.067 diff: 0.433
Kardia 2 to Kardia 1: H: 0.666 E: 1.050 diff: 0.384
Kardia 1 to Farm: H: 0.800 E: 1.550 diff: 0.750
Farm to House: H: 0.633 E: 1.150 diff: 0.517
Pass out to Clinic: (timed from the frame the grass disappears to first frame of the text box appearing) H: 6.467 E: 7.500 diff: 1.033
Clinic to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.100 diff: 0.467
Kardia 1 to Clinic: H: 0.666 E: 1.216 diff: 0.550
Clinic to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 E: 1.100 diff: 0.467
Kardia 1 to Library: H: 0.667 ODW: 1.233 (Enu's route doesn't go here) diff: 0.633
Library to Kardia 1: H: 0.634 ODW: 1.067 diff: 0.433
Kardia 1 to Smithy: H: 0.634 E: 1.167 diff. 0.533
Smithy warp to House: (First frame white shows from top to first frame Raguna fully on ground) H: 3.567 ODW: 4.367 diff: 0.800
Farm to house post warp (first frame Raguna turns around to first frame renders): H: 0.767 (first try) ODW: 1.267 diff: 0.500
House to farm: H: 0.8 ODW: 1.6 diff: 0.6
Farm to outside toros cave: H: 0.700 ODW: 1.433 Enu: 1.45 diff: 0.733
Outside toros to lake: H: 0.667 ODW: 1.300 Enu: 1.317 diff: 0.650
Lake to forking cave: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.016 diff: 0.383
Forking cave to Greed: (last frame of dialogue box to first re-render of Raguna) H: 0.766 Enu: 1.534 diff: 0.768
Greed entrance to Greed 1: H: 0.734 Enu: 1.317 diff: 0.584
Greed 1 to Greed 2: H: 0.734 Enu: 1.350 diff: 0.616
Greed 2 to Greed 3: H: 0.700 Enu: 1.383 diff: 0.683
Greed 3 to Greed 4: H: 0.734 Enu: 1.383 diff: 0.649
Greed 4 to Greed End: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.150 diff: 0.450
Greed End to Grimoire Arena: (last frame of dialogue to first frame of GUI) H: 1.334 Enu: 2.233 diff: 0.900
Grimoire Arena to house front: (last of dialogue to first of dialogue) H: 1.966 ODW: 3.267 diff: 1.301
House to Kardia 1: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.067 diff: 0.434
Kardia 1 to Kardia 2: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.067 diff: 0.434
Kardia 2 to Kardia 3: H: 0.633 Enu: 1.117 diff: 0.484
Kardia 3 to Farm Teleport: (first frame of arms down, to first frame of top screen fade showing) H: 3.666 ODW: 4.434 (Enu has to walk) diff: 0.768
Farm to Outside Toros: H: 0.700 Enu: 1.366 diff: 0.666
Outside Toros to Misty Bloom: H: 0.666 Enu: 1.25 diff: 0.584
Misty Bloom to Sechs Border: H: 0.7 Enu: 1.5 diff: 0.8
Total Load Time Difference: 24.258 (Last run: 23.095)
Loss of Control: 19:25:801
Final Time: 19:50:057
All Bosses has recently dipped below 40 minutes thanks to a run by none other than Suittyo! This is faster than an Any% run back when we had to go tame wolves for noclip. It's still rather eye-opening to see how changed the game is now with each run.
People used to complain about the run being long