No 1-1 (Leon's Campaign) Category?
6 months ago

Adam... i'm sorry, but no intro should be a thing here too


the higher ups think the 9 minute, zero skill intro is 'part of the game' and therefore we can't possibly be allowed to skip that. i already tried, sorry. KEKW


The 3 keys section in chapter 4 are also a part of the game, and we skip it with oob LMAO i feel like people who like no intro are the ones who actually get to grind the game... i've been pushing NG No hope to sub 2H but that intro does not help at all, everytime i reset it's 9min holding W all over again.


yeah i completely agree with literally everything u said. i had the same goal as u when i tried no hope and it's extremely annoying and time wasting, especially when you're grinding with someone else in co-op. 9 minutes is a LOT of time.

Greater Manchester, England

Listen, I don't like the intro either.

But simply removing something because it's a little boring is just silly and kinda goes against the point of running the game. If we removed everything that was boring or a walking simulator half of the campaigns wouldn't even exist.

No intro in the other games servers as a means to get into the run specifically because those intros are either unfair or unhealthy to do.

RE3makes NI (No Intro) is specifically because the intro requires you to mash buttons on the staircases, and in Nightmare/Inferno is RNG whether you can even get past the first enemy.

RE7's NI is due to the fact the it's literally almost 20 minutes of walking and unskippable cutscenes before you even get to play the game properly. Not to mention there's hallway and FPS dependant tricks like Mia 2 which some people physically cannot get high enough fps for.

If you're having trouble in No Hope then that's not really the intro's fault, and you could and should be practicing with a 1-1 completed save if you're on PC.

There is literally 0 need to bloat the speedrunning boards even more on a game that doesn't have many runners as it is, and this was already explained in the RESpeedruns Discord.

War_Jebus likes this

"No intro in the other games servers as a means to get into the run specifically because those intros are either unfair or unhealthy to do."

Well, do you think it's healthy to spend 9 minutes trapped into what is pretty much a barely playable unskipable cutscene? as you mentioned RE7's no intro, 20 minutes of walking and cutscene is not ok but, 9 in this game is ok? the 1-1 section has no relevance for speedrunning in RE6 just like those 20 minutes in RE7, we barely get to play the game unlike the other "boring" parts of the campaign. (that's why i don't mind them at all, just 1-1)

"There is literally 0 need to bloat the speedrunning boards even more on a game that doesn't have many runners as it is"

True, but there are other ways to do it, for example, a livesplit script where you start at 1-2 with the intro time already added to the timer which would be around 9m20s, i think that's the most flexible method.

Greater Manchester, England

I think unhealthy is having to constantly mash a button rhythmically to get down stairs on repeat for 8 hours.

And I think unfair is having tech that requires you to have unlocked 300+ fps to do something.

Doing the intro for Leon is neither of those things, it's just a bit boring. And as someone with over 600 hours of speedrunning the game although I find it boring, I've never once felt like chapter 1-1 is the reason why Leon's campaign is a slog.

Starting the timer at 9:20 won't work either, game is timed via IGT and it would start entirely based off your chapter 1-1 IGT, which could be manipulated easily to make it look like you have a better time as you CAN lose time to some tech in 1-1.

You can also get ammo, heals and points towards the end of 1-1 which while points he no effect on NH they are certainly useful in all other difficulties.

The only way to properly make it a useable category would be to make an entirely new category set with a VERY specific inventory layout including points, heals and ammo, and we agree there is no point adding bloat to the boards with an entirely new and silly rule set.

United States

Going to be honest, I brought this up with people that have runs on discord a while ago and it was voted against it, stating it would be pointless having it on the boards for a game that doesn't get as much light as RE3R or RE7. Additionally, they also stated that it wasnt that huge of an issue to do 1-1 and move on. get not caring for it but not going to drop a category for 1-2 people to do. You can do it on your own but it wont be posted.

It was brought up again and people were like...No on it still.

If we get a huge surge of people coming to break down the door for it, neat. It can be revoted on, but still feel like it is bloat for the boards.

1-1 gives ammo, FAS, a spot for can be DA maniped, and has minor tech in NG+. I get it, but it isn't worth it to have it on the boards.

Edited by the author 6 months ago
War_Jebus likes this

i mean it might be hard for people to vote in an unofficial discord vote that happened years ago (allegedly) when the admins ban anyone that speaks out against their wrong opinion.


also the RE3 thing is a straight up lie, absolutely no one cared about mashing the buttons to skate down 2 sets of stairs in the intro, people just didn't want to play that boring crap. LOL

edit: actually, thinking about it, mashing W in the timed rhythm to stair skate without the weapon in the RE3 intro is 10x more skill based than anything in the 9 minute RE6 intro.

Edited by the author 6 months ago
Greater Manchester, England

@curtiz you got banned because you were being extremely rude.

Just because multiple people disagreed with you about this doesn't make them wrong, and it certainly doesn't make you right in any way. You claimed you were right regardless of what anybody said and threw a hissy fit calling people elitist and purists just because they didn't agree with you.

We've already explained why there's no need to add this extra category, and if you don't like that then that's your opinion which you're more than welcome to.

Take accountability for your actions instead of trying to play the victim.


really? that was me trying to be nice. the fact is y'all lil friend group is gatekeeping this game barely anyone plays for absolutely no reason. y'all sit here talking like it's so serious while being the only mods for this game.

Greater Manchester, England

Not bloating the boards with an un-needed category is in no way, shape or form gatekeeping. We've already explained MULTIPLE times why this is not a good idea, and not something we're considering.

If you don't like that then good for you. You're free to run the game however you want elsewhere.


is this a leaderboard displaying times for speedruns or is this is a tumblr page? as soon as anything about making the boards less pretty is mentioned all logic goes out the window. multiple sections of the board has zero submitted runs. 'all campaigns' isn't a 'real' category either, so now what

Greater Manchester, England

Wild that you're ONLY picking up on that one point and not the multiple other factors mentioned and discussed in this thread AS WELL as in the Discord.

We get it, you want your way and when you don't get it you spit your dummy out. Trying to pretend other categories aren't real isn't going to work.

South Korea

If the run was more popular, I could see no intro coming into play maybe into the future. The problem is that it's not so I do agree to the point of why bloat the boards of 2-3 runners. Should the game miraculously get popular (whether that's because of the no intro) I'll change my opinion then. For now, I'd have to agree with Salad but curtiz does have a fair point.


i replied to every 'point' made in the discord despite us all knowing it's made up crap so u don't have to do anything and can continue gatekeeping this game with your mod and admin friends, have a good evening king

Greater Manchester, England

You were literally told to make an SRC thread asking for peoples opinions on this.

Instead you whined like a 5 year old about elitism and gatekeeping. Insulted mods and other runners and tried to pass blame on everyone else but yourself.

When a thread was EVENTUALLY made by someone OTHER than yourself you then derail it by causing arguments, losing any hope of this thread even having some normalcy with regards to this matter.

Even the original poster agrees there's no point adding extra categories because it adds bloat for 0 reason, and they actually then offered an alternative instead of insulting people.

curtiz likes this

"Starting the timer at 9:20 won't work either, game is timed via IGT and it would start entirely based off your chapter 1-1 IGT, which could be manipulated easily to make it look like you have a better time as you CAN lose time to some tech in 1-1."

Couldn't the players or even the mods make a save and start the run by going into the "continue" option and the livesplit would keep track of the IGT? the "manipulations" could be avoided by a simple rule set stating that your time must to be at least 9:20~25 which is the average 1-1 time?

Edited by the author 6 months ago
Greater Manchester, England


This is a possibility for something that could be done. However, again it is possible to get a FAS, ammo and other items towards the end of 1-1 as well as gaining/losing DA.

All of these things would have to be accounted for, as people could very easily edit in good drops for heals/ammo which are vital especially in your case since you're doing No Hope.

At which point, you're then looking at:

  • Banning picking up anything at all in chapter 1-1, which then would invalidate any other speedrun done on the boards currently as they're then breaking the rules, and if you allow the older runs to still be on the boards they have an inherent advantage.

  • Having a VERY specific inventory layout at the end of chapter 1-1, which has the same issue.

  • Allow whatever you picked up in 1-1 to be allowed, at which point you then have people possibly editing these drops.

All of these solution then also have the additional issue of forcing players to do more things before the run such as showing you inventory.

It's just unfortunately not as simple as "Make the livesplit timer start at a specific time"