New Category?
3 years ago
Texas, USA

We should have a new category for the Race gamemode on different maps.

creative and azr1stotel like this
Dalarna, Sweden

I can't believe training center runs is not a category..

it was a thing when quake live was a web browser game.

- rocket jumps - speed course

Edited by the author 3 years ago
azr1stotel and creative like this

Sorry for the late response. If you are interested in adding new categories and being a mod for this game, hit me up on Discord. It's on my user profile.

lilmister likes this
Dalarna, Sweden

I'd happily help! Such a good game, shouldn't let it go to waste.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

Hey guys, turns out someone has replicated the game mode to the tee, they reverse engineered it. I am currently doing runs and would like to submit some.

Connecticut, USA

Soy, what do you mean by has replicated the game mode?