Posted 2 months ago by

Dear Quacers,

Until now, this leaderboard has been mostly unmoderated, was based on trust and good will and it thrived because of it. More than 200 people have submitted their times.

This was based on the assumption that all machines work about the same way, with only minor fluctutations. But at the very top, these fluctations could easily make a difference. And so it was never meant to be a very competitive leaderboard, nobody could be expected to travel to the best known machine to set their personal best time.

However, some machines are straight up busted. A grounding issue can open up a small time window where any shot will be considered a hit. The third phase target may not move as it is supposed to. And also degradation of the sensor, the light source or other parts can lead to extremely generous outcomes.

That's why we will introduce mandatory verification at the top of the leaderboard. To be more precise: for the top five runs. The rest of the leaderboard will continue to work the same way, based on trust. This keeps accessibility for casual players high, but also ensures integrity at the top.

Anybody breaking into the top five will now require a full video of their run.

As a start, we will adjust the Top 5 to only include verified times. Submissions currently in the top five without a video or done on a faulty machine will be unverified within a few days.

Thanks to Mr2NuT123 for pointing out the issues and Pottoww for a valuable second opinion.

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On Verification

Dear Quacers,

Until now, this leaderboard has been mostly unmoderated, was based on trust and good will and it thrived because of it. More than 200 people have submitted their times.

This was based on the assumption that all machines work about the same way, with only minor fluctutations. But at t

2 months ago