What're the chances??
2 years ago

I have this question that I've been thinking for a while now. What are the percentage of getting 3 Suns in Slot Machine? All I knew was that 3 Diamonds is below 0.463%...

Edited by the author 2 years ago

Heres a old document I have randomly stored that cover slot machine odds https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vjav5eIxAsbcoQqVAv-jfyEOIbu06GGlmAokQAA3S7E/edit#gid=0

Thing is here though is that .06 just seems WAY too low, and the theres only 1300 spins recorded. Also im not sure if this is mobile or PC, and I think mobile is a bit more "scummier" if you know what I mean, so odds might differ across platforms as well.

I say take it with a grain of salt.

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