There're still lots of categories that haven't been added yet
2 years ago

Like "DR.Zomboss'Revenge",although it's in HD veision,but it hasn't been added

AntBlueR likes this

I kinda agree... Keep in mind though that SOME mini-games on example the iOS, it has like Buttered Popcorn, Vasebreaker on a Mini-Game for whatever reason, and even Dr. Zomboss' Revenge. They didn't add it I think it's because like they want the people on like an Android version of PvZ can run it. And also @shan_ling, You've been wrecking records, eh? Is there a way to beat your Zombie Nimble Zombie Quick?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
AntBlueR and shan_ling like this

Plant gloom-shroom as fast as you can,defeating dolphin rider zombies is important too.