Dragon Escape Hall Of Fame!
8 years ago
New York, USA

Hello there!

This is the Dragon Escape Hall of Fame This is for Dragon Escapers that achieved a lot of the years of Dragon Escape.

I will check all the replies to this thread every Friday and Saturday.

Depending on people's achievements, I will select people to automatically be a Hall of Famer. Old Dragon Escapers Count, For Example Quidos

I tend to forget some amazing Dragon Escapers so don't spam me or something like that to add someone, just ask me in a normal manner. 1,000 wins is a little hard to get, this is why being in the Hall of Fame, is not easy. If you spam me to be a Hall of Famer, You will NOT be allowed to be a Hall of Famer.

Requirements: 1,000 Wins on DE At least one World Record on Dragon Escape Must have Digger

If you want to be a Hall of Famer and you have all the requirements, you must reply on this thread and show proof you have 1,000 wins, having a world record, and having digger.

If you were or are a cheater, you will obviously NOT be a Hall of Famer.

For the people that might say "Yo Rushy! Hall of Fame is too easy to achieve!", that might be true but if a new Dragon Escaper wants to become a Hall of Famer, it will possibly take months, maybe even years!

NOTE: If you do have the requirements, you MUST reply to this thread, I won't accept it if you don't REPLY to this thread.

Another NOTE: Never crop your pictures.

Hall of Fame:

Russhy FlareYT Tiggz16 Maximooch Quidos/CaptainClaw98 DarklyPhoenix ThunderPlayz WindMark DaFatMan922 Supermoar Paris_Labrador Doogry Mrmortenklkr nwang888

If you got down here, then I will tell you the reason why I made this.

I made this because as you know, a bunch of people quit Dragon Escape. Some people that quit achieved a lot. For the people that achieved a bunch, I decided, we are not forgetting them and never talking about them again, we should remember them by making them a Hall of Famer. Also, this thread just came out, so expect some updates to this soon.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
TrazorMC, tac23tac23 and 7 others like this

I have less than 560 public wins xd


I meet all the requirements to become a Hall of Famer but I don't play public, would it still be ok if I was a hall of famer? I've played De for 2 yrs now and won a lot of games IN MPS soooo

New York, USA

When I mean 1,000 wins I mean public wins... And if you do have 1,000 public wins then you have to show proof you did have 1,000 wins. Use imgur.com to upload your picture

United States

Look you know I have requirements '-'

United States

Proof I have digger: http://imgur.com/a/lx1Eg

Wins: http://imgur.com/a/cdx8s

Do /stats FlareYT if you want to see that I am not lying lmao

Ontario, Canada

http://imgur.com/a/9I7eq I have a dozen video's at least on my channel of World Records. I also have my 1000 win video, which contains sufficient proof of myself achieving 1000 wins, also in that video is myself utilising Digger kit, and it's abilities as more proof of the requirements being met. Link to the video; Link to my channel; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLxDY5Zy5tFfQHojEr5N_tA Some of my World Records; And many more on my channel. Hopefully you found this evidence sufficient enough.

New York, USA

FlareYT and tiggz16 has been accepted. Oh yeah, to be sure of your 1,000 wins next time don't crop your pictures.


Proof of digger and 1000 wins: http://imgur.com/a/xCi77

World Record (old one):

United States

Thunder doesnt have 1k wins does he?

United States

One problem, its almost impossible to get wins nowadays

Ontario, Canada

Quidos doesn't have 1000 wins, CaptainClaw98 does. Also I believe Thunder isn't at 1000 wins yet, he's at like 800 or something.

United States

Wins: ~ 1500 (Not counting MPS) WRs: +30 (Including old, Y'know) Digger: Yes

Me and door created the revolutionary Warper Strat I totally deserve this

Edited by the author 8 years ago
New York, USA

I added Quidos and Thunder in because they deserved it. Thunder has a bunch of world records from present and before. Quidos is added because he was probably the greatest (Idk About Darkly) at his time. If you don't know, I will sometimes just add people on the list if they deserved it, they didn't need to have 1,000 wins to be a Hall of Famer

DaFatMan922 was Accepted.


I have and had wrs and 550 de wins do I pass? xd

Texas, USA

Do former world records count?

New York, USA

Yes they do Max.

Also can you make the thread sticky because this seems important to other people

Texas, USA

Alright I'll get all my runs, I made a lot of shortcuts (2nd Leap/Vines and some Others) for Time Travel but I can't show proof for it because I deleted a lot of my files/footage on my pc for storage, enough rambling I'll show my runs.

Proof of me having/over 1000 wins: http://imgur.com/a/joxOm

All my Dragon Escape former world records/world record: Also this run since the YouTube link of it does'nt seem to work, http://www.speedrun.com/run/9yoo56dy ye

Edited by the author 8 years ago
New York, USA

Do I get it? My SupermoarMC account broke and it have 1400 wins, and I have world records, I also have digger Proof of world records: http://imgur.com/a/vEuIQ Proof of digger: http://imgur.com/a/BKyUw 1000 wins doesn't have proof because SupermoarMC broke and it has 1400 wins

I think I deserve this anyway lmao

Do I get it?

New York, USA

Yes you do, Supermoar. It's fine if you don't have proof of 1,000 wins because I remember checking your stats a while ago, you have 1000+ wins

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