What is the quickest method of getting tokens for the prize machine?
1 year ago

I have been trying to get the imperial dragon costume for the fire resistance and the reistance, but am unsure what the best method of getting tokens are. I tried survival mode but the special fighters do not show up anymore, i tried the event challenges but didn't get anything with the 5 tokens i managed to get, and i even tried doing adventure mode but they have a cooldown. Is there a better way to get tokens? Why will special fighters (dragon) no longer appear in survival? Am i missing something?​​

timeflow likes this

The special fighters drop more tokens in hard survival mode

timeflow and Arkede_youtube like this

I no longer need help, i got the tokens and imperial dragon suit. My issue was that i was getting no special fighters to appear. I just did some adventure mode because i hadn't before and got the rest of the tickets i needed.

timeflow and Tezca like this

oops, didn't see this thread earlier

essentially there's an invisible token limit that will basically stop more special fighters from spawning once you have gotten 10 tokens from survival mode, it resets every 24 hours

Arkede_youtube likes this

Ooh, i streamed it at 4pm (Britain) and tried it again at 10am the next day. I didnt think it was 24 hours, i thought it was day based. As in when the day switches it allows you to get more tokens​

Edited by the author 1 year ago
timeflow likes this

I probably should've also mentioned that you can circumvent this quite easily: once you collect your 10th token of the day, finish whatever arena you collected it in and close the game before dying - when you reopen the game you'll have the tokens you collected but the token limit will be set back to whatever it was before you started the survival run

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