Infinite sprint
3 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Infinite speed glitch will be banned from runs due to the external set-up required for it. You may not use it in an all chap either. it is also banned due to the overpowered nature of it and possibility of it getting patched in future updates vid for reference:

Emoji100_limite, TheSecondTry and 4 others like this

Yeah true lol

Hampshire, England

that is overpowerd

Cezary_Pro likes this
Norfolk, England

True but I wanna know why you allowed that in the first place tho that's too overpowered for a glitch

Hong Kong

ok but did i ask

Norfolk, England

uhh that's all u say I've seen your thing like 50 times ur not funny. and ur not cool

Hong Kong

its a dead meme you idiot

California, USA

the glitch has been patched for a while so it doesnt matter either way