Would happily pay for an ad free experience
2 years ago
United States

Hey speedrun.com. The ads here are particularly annoying. I know I could just turn on an ad blocker but I'd like to support the site. I'd be happy to throw in some money for an ad free experience.


Tigame, TooManyThings and 6 others like this
Somerset, England

I would also like to donate xd Lets start a petition Like this post if you want there to be an option to donate

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Gaming_64, ElementalTem and 2 others like this

I'll pay for no ads, I don't like using an ad blocker as well

Naegi likes this
Texas, USA

Submit the idea to support hub so @Meta sees it :)) You can link this forum post

Meta and Naegi like this
Somerset, England

I have😎 Are you gonna join my petition xd

Gaming_64, Oxknifer, and Naegi like this
European Union

This has been suggested since the first day of the take over.

MasterOfMike, Oxknifer and 2 others like this
Iowa, USA

Instead of an Original Donor role there can be Donor role.

If you can’t tell I’m pretty creative.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Tigame, Wrap and 2 others like this
Iowa, USA

Well Original Donors are people that donated before ELO. Donors could be people who donate after ELO.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Naegi like this
French Southern Territories

why does elo want people to not give them money i don't understand

bring back donations

Amei, TooManyThings and 4 others like this

Yeah. I did donate back when it was possible, so it does not feel good to have to use an adblocker on the site now.


Selling your personal information is bringing in more money than you donating


Por que no los dos?


While I will always use adblock, even if a site doesn't have ads, just because I like to, I still find it weird that while people who originally donated are just recognized and aren't excluded from the ads (assuming that's the case from what people are saying here), although it is nice that they kept the donor tag despite possibly recieving 0% of the prior site donations. Not sure why they removed donations, but back when I donated it was just because I liked how easy this site was to use to find speedrunning communities and WRs, not to remove ads or whatever, so if nothing I think it'd be cool for them to add that option back for those who want to, even if there are no associated benefits.

I think having ads to guarantee the future of this site without doing anything crazy like monetizing actual site aspectes is honestly a positive, but there probably should be some way for your average internet user who doesn't use things like adblock to be able to get rid of them, even if it is at a steep price.

Merl_, Wrap, and Naegi like this

add this to your filter:

! 2022-03-29 https://www.speedrun.com www.speedrun.com##div.col-12 > .hidden-lg-up


Naegi and
like this

Baked in ads give the site revenue so cool, whatever. If you let people donate to view without the ads then that's even better.


But it shouldn't come at a worse user experience because you want to pad 50% of the page width with them. Please, let me view the variables without having to hover over every single run individually.

(As for why its NG+ Difficulty, the variables page becomes miserable to work with when 10 different categories use the same name)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Naegi likes this
Somerset, England

I'd donate even if ads weren't removed Just for the role🥺

Gaming_64 and Naegi like this
Arizona, USA

and why are they all for Going Rouge fr