Need help with AVerMedia Capture Card
3 years ago

Hi. So I use an AVerMedia capture card to capture my footage on Wii. I have it set as a Video Capture Device on OBS, but one day, the audio stopped working. I tried unplugging and replugging it back in, and now the game footage doesn't show up.

(I also tried removing the VCD from the scene and putting back in. Nothing happened)

Can I have some help please?

Edit: It's an Avermedia DVD EZMaker 7 VHS Converter.

Edit 2: Somehow managed to fix everything. I apologize for opening this forum. Please disregard everything in this post and have a good day.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

Just out of curiosity, what did you do to fix it?

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Massive necropost incoming, but it's my own thread so I don't care.

I just discovered that I never answered this, and it would probably be way more helpful if I actually shared my knowledge with the world. So in the unlikely scenario that you are using the same capture card, have the exact same problem, and somehow manage to find this forum, this is for you!

If you're using OBS and the audio is not coming through for some reason, here's what you do:

  1. Open "Properties" on your Video Capture Source.
  2. Click on "Configure Video" and go to "Video Standard" (as seen in the image).
  3. Change the setting to any other setting, and then change it back to the one you want.

And the sound should be coming through now! Why does this work? Hahaha, I have no idea. But this solution consistently works for me. You'll have to do it every time you start OBS, but hey, it could be worse.

About the capture card itself. I started using the Avermedia DVD EZMaker 7 VHS Converter after a friend recommended it to me. To make up for this necropost, I'm gonna go ahead and recommend it to others as well. It's great for capturing Wii games, which is primarily what I use it for. It's pretty cheap as far as capture cards go. I got mine for around 40 CAD. I don't remember if there was any software set-up or anything like that, but if there was, then it was short and easy to set-up. Picture quality is fine, but you'll need to add de-interlacing in OBS. All in all, solid choice in my eyes, but take my opinion with a grain of salt. Haven't used other capture devices.

Last thing I will say is that I still use my capture card to this day and it still works fine. Very happy about that. :)

Edited by the author 4 months ago