how do i beat the gaem
3 years ago

i wanna spedrun but the gamee sofltocke me in teh room with weird blcosk on the wall plsss help i wanna get the coke room

610_, LogDa683 and 2 others like this

Okay listen here buddy i know you are probably very young but don't take it personally. WE won't tell YOU the true solution to the end EVER. What is even the point in enjoying puzzle game if you can't use your own brain? Mommy won't hold your hand for your entire live so go on and try to be independent. Still don't get it you dumb little fuck? Guess what I'm gonna do it 20 times before you even finish it once hahahaha. I'm not even mad at this point, I just feel sorry for you. Even if I told you how to perform this easiest sequence in the world you'd never understand many of the strats that are so advanced that average human brain can't comprehend, so what's even the point? You'll just feel stupider at the end...


C'mon Hoshi, why be so harsh to the little guy... I'm sure he'd be a real champ in this

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Posted 2 years ago
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