Parasite Eve is Anime?! Anime Speedruns Festival Info.
7 months ago
Kumamoto, Japan

Hi everyone, ASF is back with its main online marathon in 2024!

According to our rules, anything based off a previous written work like a light novel, or manga, etc is allowed at ASF, and it was brought to the staffs attention that this includes Parasite Eve. Personally I love this game so an excuse to have it shown at event is always a huge plus.

Submissions are open until March 16th, This is your chance to show off your games in one of the years biggest anime gaming events.

Even if you're not participating be sure to tune in May 3rd to May 5th to see the most hype anime game speedrun moments at ASF!

Be sure to follow the Youtube as it will be streaming live there as well

Be sure to post here or in the anime in the anime speedrun discord if you have a question about the event, as well as any ideas or interesting ways to present this game at the event.