Why 1156391694 is a legendary seed
4 years ago

I’m not to sure this would be faster than the current seed as it would take a lot more emeralds to trade for 11 pearls instead of the 5 we trade for in any percent glitchless. I’ll take a look and see if I can find an optimal route but in the end it comes down to how fast the clerics can refresh their trades. Could completely change the category if it is faster and I’m looking forward to grinding attempts if it is.

Khalooody likes this
Dominican Republic

There is also the wr seed for set seed glitchless coop pc (the wr) which is a free sub 30

Colorado, USA

i just got sub 20 enter end with this seed, if you play in 1.16 beta (which is valid) you spawn in a warped forest/nether fortress, also build the nether portal in the end portal room

Edited by the author 4 years ago
United Kingdom

Can you do that on console?

Invinceicube and Oragari like this
United Kingdom


Oragari likes this

How can I get the 1.16 beta on Xbox is that possible?


Lolxtoycatxtryxme just search on youtube on how to do it ( yes you can ) in xbox+win10+android

Edit: switch cant play Betas , sorry for the wrong information

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Coolio thanks for the speedy response

Khalooody likes this
Dominican Republic

also why are some of you guys not on the bedrock speedrunning discord, cant force you to get in but its a suggestion

Dominican Republic

Oh okay, well

I didn’t have discord but I just made one so I’ll check it out thank you.

Dominican Republic

np, we discuss a lot of stuff related to the game there and also do big coop runs, there is an unverified (for now) one with 6 players, oh and toycat is there


its usually talking about the game, we only use voice chats for mega runs (co op for 6 or more)

Colorado, USA

also a lot of the people are 13-18 ish not really adults

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